Chapter 35

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Nicole's P.O.V

It's been 3 days and no word from Cameron. I've called him several times and everytime I do call him, it goes to voicemail after about two rings. I sat on my bed and called him again. It went to voicemail, and I decided to leave a message.

"Cameron please answer me, it's been three days and I haven't heard from you, did I do something wrong?" I paused.

"Please I just want to hear your voice, I want to talk to you. Please, I lo~" I stopped myself and hung up. I know that he's ok, because I see him posting vines and smiling and having fun. I just don't understand why he hasn't called or texted me for three days.

Cameron's P.O.V

I listened to Nicole's message and kept playing it to hear her voice. I know that I should call her but I've been really busy and I forget to call her. I dialed her number and after about three rings she picked up.

"Hello?" I heard her say and I smirked.

"Hey babe." I said.

"Babe? You don't call me for three fucking days Cameron, so don't call me babe." She said and I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I just forget to call you sometimes."

"Forget?! Are you crazy? How do you forget to call the person that you supposedly love, you're unbelieveable Cameron." She said and my stomach dropped.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm so busy and I froget." I tried to make her understand.

"No you're obviously not that busy because you're posting vines and laughing and having fun while i'm stuck here thinking that I did something wrong, you know what? Goodbye Cameron I don't want to hear your voice anymore." She said and hung up. I messed up.

Nicole's P.O.V

How could he not call me for three days and think that I would understand what he's saying. There is no reason to not call or text me, I just wanted a good morning, or how was your day call, and that's too much for him. I can't stay in my room and mope around. I decided that I'm going to go for a run. I put my training bra on and changed into a pair of stretch pants. I put my hair in a pony tail and slipped my sneakers on. I grabbed my I-pod and started playing music. I got outside and started jogging.

I looked down for a split second, and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw that I bumped into Taylor. I rolled my eyes, and walked past him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him.

"Hey baby." He said and I frowned.

"Baby? Aren't you supposed to be on tour?" I spat.

"Nope, I stopped doing that." He said.

"So, why are you holding me?" I asked.

"Because your boyfriend isn't here so can we hook up?" He asked and laughed.

"Taylor if you couldn't already tell, I hate your guts why would I fuck you again?"

"Because you miss your boyfriend and I can help you not miss him." He touched my butt and I slapped him in the face.

"No I don't want to fuck so get the hell off of me." I said and he let go. I gave him the dirtiest look ever, and started jogging again. Is he insane? Why would I ever have sex with him again. I jogged for about thirty minutes just thinking about things. I got back to my house and unlocked the door. I went to my room and opened the door.My eyes widened. Cameron stood there with his head down. I went up to him and he looked at me. I slapped him in the face.

"I guess I deserved that." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah." I  said and he grabbed my hands in his.

"Why are you back here?" I asked. 

"I'm skipping today's meet and greet so that I can bring you with me." He said and my eyes lit up.

"Really?' I asked.

"Yeah, they said that I can bring you." He said and I kissed him.

"Wait, how did you get in here?" I asked.

"Your window." He said.


"While I was waiting I packed your bags for you." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and turned around to grab my suit case. Cameron stopped me.

"No, let me get it for you." He said while grabbing it and going downstairs. We went outside and there was a car waiting for us. We got in and I sat next to him.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked.

"Because while we were on the phone I was already at the airport and on my way here." He said.

"You sneaky little shit." I said and he laughed.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"New York." He said and my eyes widened.

"Ok." I said and he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers.

"Did you ever realize that our hands fit perfectly together?" He asked and I started blushing.

"Yes." I said and he began kissing my lips over and over again. I started laughing. We pulled up to the airport and got out. We got on our flight, and I began to fall asleep.


We got to the hotel, and me and Cameron are sharing a room with Carter. I hugged Carter and put my bags down.

"Everybody is in Nash's room." Cameron said and grabbed my waist.

"You wanna go?" Carter asked and Cameron nodded. We started walking toward Nash's room and Carter knocked on the door. Nash answered the door and greeted everyone. I hugged him and walked in his room. Every one of the boys is in the room along with three girls that I've never seen.

"Hi Cameron." One of them said while twirling her blonde hair.

"Hey." Cameron said back to her. I looked across the room and saw Matt. He motioned for me to come over to him, and I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist.

"Hey Nicole, It's nice seeing ya here." He said in a weird voice that made me laugh.

"It's nice seeing you too." I said, and he started blushing.

"Aww are you blushing?" I asked while poking his chest.

"OOOOHHH MATT LIKES NICOLE!" Gilinski said and alll of the boys went crazy I laughed.

"But you do too, that's what's funny." I said and the boys started laughing.

"OH, hey but the real funny part is that none of you can get her cause she's all mine." Cameron said and I laughed. He came over to me and kissed me. I looked over at matt who was making a pouty face.

I went over to him and kissed his cheek. He started smiling and I went back over to Cameron who grabbed my hand in his. I looked over to my left and saw the blonde girl that said Hi to Cameron, giving me a dirty look. I smirked and kissed Cameron's neck. She got up, and brushed my shoulder in the process of her getting out.

Here we go again.

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