Another Chance

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They just stared at me with full of guilt. I stood up and and adjusted myself.

"Well, I hope you all made the right choices, I'm truly happy for all your successes. I'm glad I finally had the closure. Have a happy relationship, you guys." I smiled both sincerely and painfully.

I turned my back on them and I could hear foot steps behind me.

"Don't even think about it, Mr. De Luca." I glared at Roman as he was about to grab my wrist.

"Catalina.." He cried out.

I opened the door and surprise surprise, Sylvia the dearest is here.

I brushed pass her and walked to my car that I parked from across the street.

"Wait! Joseph! The Grand Piano is too heavy. Help me will ya?!" One of the movers shouted.

"Fine fine." Joseph got out from the drivers seat.

As that was happening, Roman rushed towards me but was being pulled back by Sylvia in the middle of the road.

"Where do you think you're going, Roman?!" Sylvia yelled.

"Sylvia, Let go of me. You Liar! You fed us all those lies about Catalina." He glared at her.

"Ha! as far as I know, you guys were the one's who believed what I said." She taunted.


"Joseph! You didn't parked the Truck!!"

I quickly looked over and the truck was swerving towards Roman and Sylvia.

They said when you see your loved one in danger, you just act on instict. Before I knew it I already pushed them aside, usually your life flashes before your eyes but I was distracted by the same old lady standing right beside the post, smiling.

As I lay on the ground I could feel my hair getting wet. Ah..that must be my blood isn't it?.

"Catalina!" I hear a group of voices call my name.

" no please, Catalina.."

"W-we haven't even made it up to you yet, please Catalina."

"Where's 911?!"

"They're coming!"

"Catalina, please hold on!"

"I..don't know you..guys" I smiled as my eyes get heavier.

"No No No! Catalina! Please, Don't Close your eyes!"

I couldn't hear anything anymore, my eyes are getting heavier and heavier. I saw the old woman again but I don't know why how I could hear her voice from so far away but it was loud and clear.

"I'll give you another chance, my child"

With that I took one final breath out and closed my eyes.

-Third Person's POV-

"Catalina?...No..No No! No!!" Roman screamed as he hugged her lifeless body.

"Why?? Why did you push me?? I deserve to die, not you." He placed his forehead onto hers.

Clive just stood there crying as he watched her pass on.

"What are you guys talking about? She's alive...she's right there...she's just sleeping, look how dirty she got. Let's clean her up. "Ezra was in denial.

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