The past part 1

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-Third Person's POV-

"You told the children??" Gray asked in confusion.

"...I did." Henrietta confessed.

"Could you tell us why?

"*sigh*..A year ago we were in the Netherlands because my company appointed me there. Of course, I brought the kids there with me. We were coming back home at night after bonding, but since it was late, we were caught in a not-so-nice situation." She revealed.

"There was an illicit trade of ammunition and highly illegal arms being exchanged, and one of the men I saw was one of your close aides, Rhett. I have no idea how, but he suddenly blurted out my real name. He was the second person to realize it was me immediately-" She was then cut off.

"Who was the first?" Sin asked.

"...Lan-lan, anyways. You could probably piece up how it went on from there but to put things short our children got your guys' stubbornness and unrelenting attitude but never mind about me, I'm still waiting for an explanation. What happened before, all the lifetimes after I died."

"I guess we can't hide it from you anymore." August pursed his lips together just thinking about how he should explain everything to her.

During their first life, it was true that none of them were romantically interested in Henrietta. She grew up with them and showed all her most embarrassing sides. In those days, she was still very immature and spoiled. She expected them to do everything she wanted but they grew up secretly succeeding in their parent's mafias. 

They had to mature earlier than her but she remained the same though even then, they still treated her properly. They married her because of their family's decisions and they just abided by it, they didn't mind marrying her as they had been together for so long.

They wouldn't need to fake their attitudes in front of her, the woman who also has seen their worse selves. 

But because of her immature attitude, they couldn't tell her about what they were doing. That included the said "affair" they had with Ellery. There really was never an "affair" to begin with. They might not have been the best husbands but they wouldn't stoop that low. They placed the most perfect mask they could pull off and presented themselves to be the most caring men in the world. They pretended to dance in the palm of her hands even when they actually weren't.

What they didn't put into accord with was Henrietta's jealousy. They thought she only saw them as an older brother figure as her own brother left her to chase after Ellery. But that wasn't the case. Their whole plan fell apart the moment their wife was kidnapped.

After her kidnapping, Vincent went after them after the death of his brother, Angelo. He saw evidence that pointed to Niko even when it wasn't him. At that point, everything was a mess. A war against who could stand best. Though they did win, it was at the price of losing their wife which was why they didn't feel like they won. A worthless victory. They did win but at what cost?

"So..we got what we wanted huh?"  Lessio said sarcastically.

"It's funny really, I don't feel anything." Rhett laughed.

"..There was one thing we were supposed to do." August spoke up.

"Shut up, August." Sin scolded.

"Yeah, and we failed," Niko replied.

"Shut up." Sin repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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