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"I'm sorry Niko, but I might have to call you later." I then hanged up. Lucia then ran and crushed me in an embrace.

"Henrietta! I missed you soo much! I'm soo happy to see you this healthy..*sniff* I'm soo happy.." She cried on my chest.

"L-Lucia? Do..Do you remember..the past???"

"*Sniff* Yeah, I do. I'm soo glad that you do too. I believed everything you told me before and I never expected that it'd happen to me. Now the French mafia doesn't have any stinking excuse to say that the Italian mafia incited anything to the Spanish mafia. See, I promised you if I could have done something then I would. Angelo Hernandez is alive this time!" She said quickly.

My eyes drifted to Angelo who had a small wound on his left shoulder. I patted Lucia's shoulder and hugged her.

"I'm glad too..I'm also happy to see you alive and healthy but..why are you here??? What if Fernando finds out that you snuck out???" 

"He doesn't and he won't. He thinks he knocked me out with the vase he smashed my head with but little did he know that I switched that vase with one that was made for movies. Didn't even hurt." She shrugged.

"That fucking bastard tried to hurt you again?!" 

"Yes but that's beside the point to why I am here, You have no idea what the fuck I found out. You were wrong this whole time about the Mexican and Irish Mafia...The Mexican mafia is the goal of all this bullshit!"

"W-What???" I asked, confused.

" Look, remember you said that the Irish mafia was lowkey? and that the Mexican mafia planned this all out? Wrong. They had this gathering with all of them in Ireland and thankfully, I managed to convince fuck face, Fernando, to bring me along."

Pfft- I love that she calls her father, fuck face.

" He obviously didn't give me any time of day but when I had the chance, I snuck out and stalked Cirillian, the head of the Irish mafia. He was talking to my fake ass sister or should I even call her that? Do you know why? She really is Fernando's daughter.."

"??" I titled my head even more confused, then if that's the case then she really is her sister is she not?

"But I'm actually not related to Fernando at all."

"Wha- What?!"

"The reason why I disappeared as a baby was to confuse Fernando by sending my bitch sister, Elize along. I am Cirillian's daughter..with Fernando's wife."

"Woah woah..wait, So you are the other bastard's daughter?? Not bastard number one???"

"mhm, it gets even spicier. Fernando's wife, Julieta was in a secret relationship with Cirillian before she got married to Fernando for the mafia's sake agreement. But before she got married to him, they did the deed and she was conceiving me though she didn't find out until after their honeymoon. Meanwhile, Cirillian's sister, Nora was deeply in love with Fernando who was in love with Julieta."

"She was soo obsessed over him to the point that she had a one-night stand with Fernando. She then conceived my rotten sister, Elize. Nora demanded child support from Fernando and even told him to divorce Julieta to be with her. What he did was disgusting, he murdered her and stabbed her pregnant stomach. They were able to safely save the bitch though."

"...Don't tell me that, this whole bullshit is for..revenge?"

"...Unfortunately it is, No matter how much Fernando tried to hide that he was the one who murdered Cirillian's sister, he eventually found out. Cirillian also found out that Fernando knew that Julieta loved him but still forced her to bed with him. Remember the safe he kept hidden that self-destructs? The real reason why he's trying to get the key back is to prevent Fernando from finding out that he knows everything. "

"There was a traitor in the Irish mafia and actually programmed the safe to send all of his gathered data/shreds of evidence and even the money he planned on sending Julieta as his way for child support, in which the bank of Julieta is tied to Fernando as well."

"So we had to go through all this hell, just to be chess pieces for someone's revenge plot? AHA! So I had to die seven times, so he could get his revenge?? AHAHAHAHA!! WOW JUST WOW!!"

I accidentally broke the wooden table in front of me from the fleet of rage that surged out of me. Who would have expected that..all this time, we had to endure all of this..was for someone's revenge?

"Then why? Why drag my husbands' mafias along??"

"Because..even then, he's still greedy."

"HAHAHA..Ha...He really needs to die." I can feel a headache forming as I thought of ways, ways to kill both of them. Fernando and Cirillan..you both truly deserve, worse than hell.

-August's POV-

"Find the power breaker and turn the lights on," Gray spoke to his subordinates. We waited for a while then the lights turned on. There were smudges of blood on the ground, and my heart's pace slightly quickened at the thought that Henrietta might have been injured.

When Rhett opened the first door, then the second, the third, all of them were the same. Brutally murdered men. I don't even feel sorry, I know for a fact that my wife did this great handy work as the precision and the cut on the flesh were all on the vital points that only a surgeon or a trained medical practitioner would know.

These are cuts whose main purpose is inescapable death. 

I quickly found Ezio, this worthless trash of a living being. His tongue was cut and was placed a foot away from him. It looked like he tried to grab it when he was knocked out. I opened my mouth to see that Henrietta doesn't cease to surprise me with her knowledge and skill. She made sure he wouldn't die. 

Of course, I wouldn't let her down, so I went ahead and just stitched it on the spot. I inspected his body a little more to make sure that he won't die just yet, we still haven't had our share of the fun.

"August..I need you to come here right now." Rhett said in a cold voice while standing by the door of a separate room.

I stood up and walked towards him, I figured out why he seems to be on edge cause right now, I am too.

Pictures, pictures, and even more pictures of Henrietta were plastered all over the room. Items like her underwear, toothbrush, cotton bud, a ballpen, and just small things were also in this room. Photos of her naked body, and him touching her were also scattered in the room.

"...I just want to kill him right now." I blurted out.

To be Continued . . . 

So in a nutshell this is what happened,

Cirillian and Julieta love each other but Julieta had to marry Fernando for the mafia business agreement. Julieta was conceiving Cirillian's child aka Lucia during her honeymoon with Fernando. 

Prior to the wedding, Cirillian's sister, Nora had a one-night stand with Fernando and she conceived his child, aka Elize.

Nora demanded Fernando leave Julieta and take responsibility for her child but he murdered her instead. The baby, Elize survived the incident.

Julieta gave birth to Cirillian's daughter without Fernando knowing Lucia wasn't his. One night Lucia disappeared when she was a baby and Cirillian gave her back with Elize with her. Fernando accepted both of them but favored Elize more.

Cirillian was protecting the safe not for his businesses but since he was planning revenge against Fernando and he didn't want him to find out that he knows that Fernando knew he was in a relationship with Julieta and his plans on getting rid of Fernando as there was a traitor and automatically programmed his safe when it self-destructs to pass the information to Fernando.

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