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I watch the idiots enter the restaurant, with limited time I acted quickly. First thing first, prevent them from escaping. 

*pop* *slash*

The great sound of tires deflating fills the air, now that that's done. I loaded my gun and held it on my hand. I smiled, time to see who those buffoons are.

I casually entered the restaurant and I see the leading guy with the gun looking from left to right for Xavier. I checked the tracker I have on Lily and it seemed that they moved. He probably saw them coming.

*ring ring*

"Hello?" I picked up the call.

"Hermana, there's someone following us." She said scared.

"Don't worry Lily, I'm already one step ahead of you." I said as I knocked one of the men out. I dragged his body inside of a staff storage room.

"Lily, would you be a dear and pass the phone to Xavier?" I asked politely.

"Huh? ah sure." 

"Heralynn?" He said with uncertainty.

"So, you're part of a gang huh?" I asked as I knocked another guy out.

"H-how did you?"

"Overheard these dudes say it." I said.

"Huh? W-who are you bitch!" One of the guys yelled.

"Oh shut up." I kicked him in his  groin then roundhouse kicked him. K.O

"Excuse me?" Xavier asked confused

"Oh not you~ anyways, keep Lily safe. Call her brothers or if you have friends or your own subordinates, call them over." I said irritated then I hanged up, there were two guys who tried to gang up on me. 

"Ugh! Quédate abajo hijo de puta!"  I knocked them out in the same time.

(Ugh! Stay down, motherfucker!)

"Bitch come here!" Another one yelled.

I checked and there were no customers, heh~ Xavier must have rented this whole place out.  The staff was hiding in fear.

The man who yelled was wielding a knife and had a pretty good distance from me. I took out my gun and aimed it at his shoulder.

"Eh, you have a knife while I have a gun. Stupid~" I shot him

"Ugh!" He fell down and clutched his arm.

In the corner of my eyes I saw the guy with the gun aim his at me. I quickly hid and took cover. 

*Pang Pang*

"Tch, cabrona

(Tch, fucker)

I checked my tracker and they were parallel to me, but I can't see them?

I looked around and there I saw them, they were in the second floor. Xavier pulled out a gun and aimed at the guy who was shooting at me. Shots fired and the guy collapsed on the floor. 

I came out and looked for other of his men, there should be two more. Aha! there's that idiot.

I was about to shoot at him when I felt another presence right behind me. Automatically my hand twisted, I took a step forward then turned around. I aimed my gun at the man, he was another one of the men so I shot him instead.

This one got a good chance of dying. He glared at me and tried to attack with his left over strength. Not a kick or two couldn't handle.

So it was pointless to pounce on that last guy since he ran away, but how will you do so without a vehicle? Pfft-

Just in time, more people came. They weren't the cops, though I would have thought someone would've called the police. It's either they were too scared to have called them or someone intercepted it.

The latter was more possible of happening though since the ones who came were probably Xavier's subordinates and Lily's brothers.

"If you're wondering, Lily is up there." I said to Vincent and pointed up stairs.

"Are you hurt?" Elijah asked me worriedly.

"Psh~ as you can see I'm perfectly fine." I boasted.

"*sigh* You should have called us immediately." Lorenzo sighed.

"They did call you didn't they?" I said as an excuse.

"MANDYYY" Lily yelled as she crushed me in a hug.

"I was so worried! Xavier had to stop me from stealing his gun from shooting that bastarda who tried to hurt you!"  (bastard)

"Good thing you did." I told him.

"How about you two, are you guys fine?" I asked Xavier and Lily.

"Yup." Lily nodded.

"Heralynn, thank you." Xavier said.

"mhm, you're coming with us. You've got a lot of explaining to do." I cocked my eyebrow.

. . .

Lily went to freshen up while we dragged Xavier down to the basement. He sat down infront of us while I was in the middle of the brothers.

"Do you want to start, Hermana?" Johnathan asked.

"Gladly, now..lemme're part of the American gang? Those idiots had a cross tattoo and their biggest enemy.." I slowly looked at his eyes.

"Is the Ravens, the number one American I right?" I smirked.

"How do you know so much???" He asked genuinely confused.

"Right? That's exactly what we said before." Luke said.

"But you'll learn to just go with it. *ehem* I know many things she said." Angelo mimicked me.

"Pfft- spot on" Vincent laughed.

"Oh?" I raised a brow.

"*ehem* anyways...Hermana, you should go to Lily. She must be looking for someone by now." Vincent made an excuse.

"mhm..let's see about that. Take care of the evidence properly ok? Good night." I left the basement.

Ha.. what a tiring day.

To be Continued . . .

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