Sleep is the Solution

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Yeah first day of school was pretty boring, I arrived back to the house and lucky for me no one is back yet.

I decided to use this time to think about the upcoming events thats supposed to happen. 3 stupid business deals, Kidnapping, Infiltration, Fucking Traitor, Attempt Assasination to the Don, Ambush, and etc. I wrote them all down inside a journal with a lock

Then I placed that jounal inside another passcoded lock then inside my lingerie drawer that has a secret compartment underneath my underwear.

In the passcode the code to unlock is my last name as Catalina but alphabetically arranged.

'Haa..I wonder what I should do?' *grumble*

'Well my stomach answered for me' I got up and headed down to whip up some salad to eat, I was in a mood for it.

I was eating peacefully on the balcony when cars parked up infront of the house. 'They must have arrived'

When they got out of the car, they didn't look like they were in the best mood. I mean, they slammed their doors pretty harshly and they're practically stomping inside the house.

I thought that maybe I should make them some chamomile tea. It always loosen and relaxes my nerves whenever I'm all worked up back when I was pilled with stress.

I carried the tea cups up to their office, they were gathered in Key's this time. I knocked on the door and opened it,

I came in with a smile on my face but I lost it immediately.

"Fottutamente zitta, Henrietta. When you knock on the door you wait for the person to respond." Rhett ruffles his hair as he shot a glared at me.

"Did you not learn fucking manners?" Niko sighed in frustration.

I didn't say anything but just bobbed my head. I still proceeded inside and placed down the teas. They ignored me and waited for my presence to leave.

I shutted the door and heaved a sigh,

No manners huh? Psh, I'll show you no manners Ha!

I went to my room and got my bluetooth speaker, this one I don't use often since its too loud. I connected it to my phone and walked my way to the office again.

I kicked the door open, startling all of them making them take out their guns, did I flinch? Just a teeny tiny bit.

They all looked pissed and confused as to why am I holding a giant speaker well, lemme show you.

(A/n: I play this song whenever I feel sleepy in class, My country is still online class hihi)

They covered their ears and fired shots at the speaker, alerting the guards and some other men I've never seen before outside barging in the room.

Yeah, I brought another small one that's almost just as loud. I placed it down and ran. You want rude, I gave you rude bitches!

I slammed my door close, locked it and jumped from my balcony to the balcony below it, which is Sin's room.

I plan to run to the convinience store and chill there for a while, even if its 9:00pm.

I can't jump anymore from here since its too high up so I opted for the door-

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