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This is an Explanation and in the end will be the chapter:

Basically during the first life, the guys genuinely had an interest in Ellery but soon found out her true colors a week before their marriage with Henrietta and it happened before she even died, that means they were already faking it with Ellery. Their feelings for Henrietta was neutral but they still treated her like a friend in their own harsh way.

During the first life the guys were pretty much the ideal hard mafia men. Their hearts only softened a bit when they fell for Ellery but went back to stone when she deceived them.

 Henrietta doesn't know that, the guys knew that if they started caring for her then she'd just be in danger, so decided they decided to just not like anyone. They acted with Ellery and eventually killed her.

Second Life, some of their feelings transferred. They did find it odd that Henrietta did have a slight change in her behavior. (She was basically the most annoying blonde idiot who only wants them to love her, a popular queen bee) 

Still their feelings for her remained on the more neutral side. Though the change was, they had a weird feeling in their chest that something is going to happen to her but decided to just ignore it.

The same process as the first life where they killed Ellery later on.

From Third to Seventh life was the same thing but their awareness of Henrietta kept growing. They cared more and more but hid it in their false mask they always put on but somehow, she always dives into trouble.

 During the seventh life, they wanted to make it work with her but she ended up dying in the most tragic way.

Suicide, she killed herself by strapping her body with explosives and died with the leaders of the Mexican and Irish mafia.

They didn't realize that in their heart they already fell for her, they fell into immense anger and depression and took it all out on Ellery. Her longest torture of 15 years.

Mind you that Henrietta used to be, even in her 7th life, very clingy, kind of annoying; needy, spoiled and yet they loved her for it.

Henrietta changed in her eight life as Catalina. From the start it was a completely different environment. She grew up with many hardships and strove to live a good life and to provide for her family. 

She broke through her previous attitude and had a full attitude change yet she still yearns a family of her own.(A husband that loves her and have children)

The men during this life(Catalina's world) was connected with the men(Henrietta's world) or also called their parallel selves. Their phantom feelings for Henrietta affected them, they loved Catalina with all their hearts but was deceived by Sylvia who acted just like the phantom woman in their dreams.

 Even when they split with Catalina, they wouldn't stop worrying if ever she was doing alright but alas it all didn't end well.

Now it was happening again, They can see an image of a phantom woman in their heads but would always forget about it when they wake up. Just so happened that Catalina's attitude and Ellery's fake persona are similar so their affection now was affected, no longer because of the genuine interest in Ellery but because of Catalina.

 The difference this time was men(In Catalina's world) died and that Henrietta existed. The Henrietta this time was different from all her past selves, she slowly started to try not care though that's the feelings she kept on denying and lock away.

She was trying to convince herself that the stars just wasn't aligned for them to be together.

Will there finally be a chance? or will she die before it all?

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