Won't be Easy

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*Vrrt Vrrt*

I woke up to my phone vibrating in my pocket. Grunting, I got up. I noticed that the guys were still asleep so I quietly moved out of the bed.

I checked my phone and it was my cardiologist, Dr. Gonzales.

"Good morning Mrs. Knight, I know that it's quite early but I would like you to read the results as soon as possible. I have already faxed it to Mr. Creed-Knight."

"Huh? *cough* *ehem* Why? was it urgent enough to fax it? Wait...don't tell me..i-is it bad??"

"...I'm afraid so. Please contact me after you have read the results. We shall discuss how to proceed. Don't worry Mrs. Knight, with Mr. Creed's help we will surely find a donor as soon as possible."

He hanged up. I clenched the phone in my hands and rushed to August's office. I knew the password to his office so I easily got in and just as Dr. Gonzales said, he had it faxed.

I grabbed the papers and read them.

Cobalt Cardiomyopathy-Dilated Cardiomyopathy.

'H-How??? Toxins? Cobalt??

...How in the world did I ingest soo much cobalt to cause this?? How the fuck is this even possible???' I thought as my hands trembled.

'No..I'm gonna die again. That's it. I'm going to die if I don't find a heart donor. No matter how rich I am, if I can't find a heart donor...I'm fucked. And what's worse is that it progressed soo much. It was the long and silent kind. The symptoms..it's only just appearing. Fuck! How did I not notice this??!'


'And I'm a doctor..how pathetic..' I heaved out a breath and crumpled the results. I threw it away at the stash of papers that August separated from the to recycle that is to be thrown instead. He would never dig through here since he's too organized with his work. If he separates something then he's certain, he doesn't look back on it.

As I leave the room, I didn't notice that there was another paper that was being faxed.

-Third Person's POV-

Slowly, the guys all started to wake up. They were confused as to why they were in one room, more so in one bed altogether. It made sense when they saw Advil on one side of the table with handwriting they were familiar with.

When they reached the living room. Henrietta sat there as if she was waiting on them. 

"Have you drunk the Advil yet?" She asked and they deliberately ignored her.

"...So, when were you going to talk to me about my own death anniversary yesterday?" She raised an eyebrow. They stopped in their tracks and faced Henrietta.

"Now that I think about it, I can name which one of you is which. August was Roman, Lessio was Dax, Sin was Owen, Gray was Jude, Rhett was Lycus, Niko was Clive, and lastly Key was Ezra. Aren't I right? I can't believe that I didn't notice the similarities of your mannerisms. Heh~." She narrowed her eyes at them.

"Henrietta-" Sin started but Henrietta cut him off.

"All of you, sit down over there. We need to talk." She ordered and they listened.

"You guys were soooo drunk last night, you know that? You were sooo drunk that you told me everything. So let me do the honors of saying the first word as our reunion, YOU SEVEN ARE IDIOTS!


"HE would not let me off. Ever. He's deranged and sick in the head. The sole reason why he wants to kill me is that One, I love you, and Two, I'M FUCKING MARRIED TO YOU!" 

"If he could kill his own Goddamn biological daughter just for giving me anesthetic so that I couldn't feel the pain, to what extent do you think his mind works??? Yeah, bonkers.

"If you want to END this stupid war with those stupid mafias. Then, communicate with me. We won't be able to stop this cycle if we don't work and communicate with each other. We are fucking married for God's sake!  Trust me that I know enough to protect myself and to KILL THEM." With her last sentence, after a few coughs, she sighed and regained her composure.

"Catali- no, Henrietta..by everything you mean-"

"I mean everything... Oh wait no, there is one thing you didn't tell me..How did you died? I want you to be honest. No one is in the house right now. The security cameras are off and all other sorts of recording device." She said. She did have a device that allows her to allow so in a certain perimeter.

"Henrietta, we can tell you anything. You don't need to know how-"

"No. I want you to tell me. If you are willing to, if not then it's fine. But you must eventually tell me." After finding out that not all contents in the book she read were real, she wanted to find out what truly happened.

Especially after what they told her the previous night. 

"Alright." Sin agreed.

"Henrietta, we just don't want you to get hurt. Fine, we can communicate but please, try not to get in the middle of it. We know you are capable of protecting yourself but.."Rhett said while expressing what he felt.

"Life is unpredictable, Henrietta. We might think you are fine now but who knows. We can't take it if something were to happen to you." August added.

"Can't take it? As far as I remember, you left me for Sylvia." Henrietta crossed her arms, though she does know that Gray told her about them getting manipulated into it, she still wanted to bring it up.

"...We aren't asking for your forgiveness but please, please give us one last chance to make it up to you. Please Henrietta..

"I know we were bastards, I know that we were idiots but we want to make this marriage work. We promise we will take care of this situation. We will thoroughly talk everything out with you.."

"We will be honest, everything. Everything you want, we are willing to do it so please Henrietta.."

'Hm...they never begged me so sincerely before, that's new. Not to mention that they look like they are just about to cry..Heh.'  Henrietta thought.

"Ok. I'll give you one last chance. After we talk everything out, after you explain everything to me in detail, after being honest with me, after you cut off ties with Ellery, only then will I might tell you what I think about our relationship. Is that fine with you all?" Just hope I'm not dead by then.

They nodded, "Remember, I haven't forgiven you all yet. It won't be that easy." Even if I love you..

To be Continued . . .

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