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It's been more than two weeks since the competition. Nothing changed much and I really miss my dogs, Mr. Cuddles and Mr. Buttons. I plan on going back to the house later this afternoon, right now I'm shopping with Lily.

"Hermana Mandy~" She teased.

"*sigh* Yes, Lily?" I gave her a joking tired look.

"Hehe~ do you think this belt is better or this one?"  She showed me a matte black belt and a shiny one.

"Why not just buy both?" I shrugged.

"'re right! I don't own any of these anyways." She tucked it inside the shopping cart.

. . .

"See ya, I'll be heading first~" Lily waved went back.

I hopped in my car and drove to the house to pick my dogs up. They must miss me already~

I parked my car and Wendy greeted me,

"Madam! Quick! The sir's got in an accident!!" What?

"They, what?" 

"Their car's been hit by a truck, please go to the 2nd branch of Creed Hospitals Madam!"

"O-ok, please bring My dogs to the Hernandez's residence." I ran and did my best to drive at the boundary of the over speed limit.

When I arrived I rushed to the front clerk, "Yes, what is it you need Miss?" She smiled.

"M-my husbands, they've gotten in an accident! uhm..Truck!" I slurred.

"Um.. Is one of them perhaps the CEO of Creed Hospitals? If it is then I'm sorry but someone already said they were the wife of those men. Please leave miss. " She said sternly.

"What? Oh wait..I-is the one who identified herself as the wife, a brunette?"

"Please leave before I call security." For a brief moment I saw her eyes dilate it means it was true. I can't blame them since this branch doesn't know me.

"Ok then..but I just want to know one thing. Are they alright?"

"*sigh* They are in a stable condition right now but are still unconscious."

"Thank you." I then left.

That's all that is important, though that Ellerat does have big balls to identify herself as the wife while I'm still married to them. 'You're gonna get a divorce anyways' I remembered. Maybe I should use this chance?

I decided that I should so I head back to the Hernandez's. Why are there three car's parked in the front? Visitors? I was about to get out when I noticed that, they aren't their guests more like unwanted pests.

I opened the secret compartment in my car and took out two guns, my handgun and my AR 15 rifle. There were two men guarding the outside and I can hear gunshots. I really am not in the mood for you fuckers.

-Lily's POV-

I hum in content that I was able to go shopping with Mandy. 

"Did you have fun?" Vincent asked me.

"Yup! I bought a lot of clothes too! Hermana told me that I suited them." I bragged.

"Pfft- she's lying then. What would suit your ugly ass." Lorenzo teased.

"*sigh* That is why your crush still doesn't like you." I rolled my eyes and he pouted.

"Bro, why is the guards outside gone?" Johnathan asks Angelo.

"Hm? didn't Vincent instruct me to send them to our base in the next town for inspection?" He said confused.

"What? No I didn't." He scrunched up his face in a frown.

"...Elijah! get the guns!" Angelo yelled in a panic.



"Aww get the guns? too late Hernandez." A man bursts in the house with an ugly smirk plastered on his face. He shot the ceiling of our house.

"That's what you get when you let your guard down. Pfft hahahahaha! Today must be my lucky day. First the German mafia, then the Russian mafia, Italian mafia, American mafia and then now you fuckers." More men rushed inside our house. Pointing guns on our heads, I'm terrified since I can't even do anything in this position.

He pointed the gun right on my forehead, "Don't even think about it, bastard." He growled at Vincent.

"Any last words, Vincent Hernandez?" He crouched down to his face and smelled him.

"Yeah and It's eat shit bitch. " Mandy came inside and she was holding a rifle. She didn't hesitate to fire. It was an automatic rifle and she just glared at them while shooting them one by one.

Her leg got grazed by a bullet but she didn't even flinched.

Men were falling down on the floor, heavily bleeding. I was so scared but I couldn't even look away. I was looking for the guy who has his gun pointed at me for an opening. 

"Angelo!" She yelled and threw him a handgun. He caught it and shot the man infront of me at the shoulder. He screeched in pain so I took that opportunity to elbow his arm and snag the gun from him.

I pointed it at his head and shot it. My hands were trembling but it was fine. Like Mandy said, I'm not going to be a damsel in distress. Its kill or to be killed.

"Lily, Elijah Duck!" I moved my body as her orders and she shot two more guys behind me and Elijah.

"BITCH!" A man creeped up behind her and managed to stab her by the stomach.

"Argh! You f-fucking asshole.." She cursed out in pain and shot him by the arm and leg and dropped to the floor on her knees.

"Hermana!" I don't know who else yelled with me in a panic. The dagger looked to be 7 inches and its has sunken deep into her abdomen.

Just in good time some of my brother's men arrived and helped us take care of the situation. 

"I'm fine..j-just take me to the hospital. Agh that fuckin' hurts!" She scrunched her face in pain. She stood up with Elijah and Lorenzo assisting her on both sides since she refused to be lifted. So she's going to be air lifted to the hospital instead.

Soon the helicopter arrived,

"God..I think it might be poisoned..that fucker I'll kill him." She cursed in a storm glaring below the helicopter.

"I left him alive so you guys-ugh..could interrogate h-him..phew..." She sighed, her face getting more pale as the blood drip out.

"M-Mandy.." Tears fell from my eyes.

"Cheer up Lily, I'm fine I promise. No dagger will kill me, I won't die. Not yet this easily that is." She mumbled the last words.

When we arrived at the hospital she was delivered to the ER. Vincent managed to silence the medical staff about the whole ordeal. I panicked when I found out she was in a critical condition that there was a low amount poison in there but thank God she's pulled through.

She was currently sleeping inside the hospital room.

. . .

-Third Person's POV-

There was a nurse stationed inside a rather large room VIP suite where seven men laid. One by one they woke up making the nurse run to find the doctor. 

"..You remember don't you?"

To be Continued . . .

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