Ugh I knew it.

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"So what kind of date is it?" I asked.

"Hm..he said that I should wear a dress." She blushed.

A dress? Hm..a dinner date.

I shuffled through her wardrobe and saw a box and unopened it. This is Perfect!!

"Wear this then~" I handed her the dress. I would have lent her one of my dresses if it weren't for the fact that we have a significant height and bust difference. My breasts are quite..a fruit. It is hassle to always glare at men whenever they stare at my breasts.

"Oh, I forgot I even had that in there." She looked at the dress surprised, heh~ typical Lily.

(A/n: This is her dress (ㆁuㆁʃƪ)♡ )

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(A/n: This is her dress (ㆁuㆁʃƪ)♡ )

"I'll style your hair too~" I tied her hair in an elegant bun with a few of her baby hairs on the side. I also did her make up slightly heavy on the eyeshadow since it's night.

"There! You look amazing~" I complimented her.

"Oh my, thank you Hermana Mandy hihihi" She hugged me.

"How much time have we got before he arrives?" I asked. I was already relatively dressed and I didn't want to change my clothes either.

I was wearing an all black outfit with my hair tied in a ponytail. It's good enough.

"About 30 minutes, why?"

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"About 30 minutes, why?"

"I have to go to Lorenzo and Elijah, they have some problems." I explained.

"Ah, figures. Ok then" I left her room and made my way to Lorenzo's room.

*knock knock*

I opened the room and slowly went in.

"Did you think, I'd forget about you guys?" I smiled cheekily.

"Ah, Hermana..we were having our doubts." He playfully smiled.

"*laugh* So what's up?" I sat down on the bean bag.

"Laurene..she thinks we're playing with her." Lorenzo said despondently.

"And whose fault is it?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Ours..." They sulked.

"mhm..thought so, did you cut off all your ties with your side chicks?" I asked.

"We did!" Elijah pressed.

"Properly?" I raised a brow in suspicion. 


"Yeah, so do you see my relationship with my husbands?" I pointed out and they nodded.

"mhm so you see that they have a side chick right?" they nodded again.

"Good thing you know, do you think I'm happy that they have a side chick?" They shook their heads.

"Right, I feel like crap. Now what do you think she feels like? I already know they have one but her? She's insecure and knowing your history of playing and making fun of women. It just came back and bit you in your ass."

"What's the way to not make her feel insecure? First of all, end it with those girls properly. Second, get rid of that stupid ego of yours, it's unattractive. Third, be genuine. Do something everyone knows you haven't done before. Show actual affection. Make it known that you are properly courting her. Don't make her uncomfortable, Ok?" I patted their backs.

"Thank you, Hermana." They side hugged me.

"Your welcome, now I have to tail Lily and her future boyfriend~"

"Mandy!" Elijah shouted.

"Ugh, you know I hate that name." I rolled my eyes and faced him.

"Stay safe ok? If you need help, call us. Or your husbands." He said worriedly.

"Oh come on, I'll be fine~ Thank you though. Toodles!" I walked out.


"Oh my god, he's hereeee what do I do??" Lily worried as she paced back and forth.

"Lily, chill. I'll be there in the far back, don't worry."

"*inhale* *exhale* Ok...I got this!" She walked awkwardly towards the door.

"You look amazing, sweetheart." Xavier cooed at her as he gently caressed her cheek.

I can sense her overprotective brothers so I tapped my foot hard.

"Better not ruin it." I warned and I could hear scurrying footsteps.

"Heralynn! It's good to see you." He greeted me.

"It's good to see you as well. Lily, wear this." I gave her a bracelet. It looks beautiful but in actuality there's a tracker in there.

I winked at her and she seemed to have gotten the message. I left first and when they started driving I followed from behind. 5 cars back.

They stopped at some isolated private restaurant. It's one of the most expensive restaurants in the country since it'd take a year booking also the food is absolutely delicious.

The funny thing is right across this restaurant is a small burger joint.

I ordered myself a double cheeseburger with some Dr.pepper, fries and a sundae.

I sat down and reclined my chair as I ate and gaze upon the stars. It's pretty quiet in here. Almost no one is around.

...why am I enduring all of my husbands bullshit? Think about it Henrietta, is divorce really not an option?

As much as possible I want them to not get hurt but I also don't want to die. I'll get killed if something bad happens to them. I mean it always happened. But what if I wasn't their wife in the first place?

Would the outcome have been any different? Would I have died? I wouldn't. I would have lived.

I-I can just ask for a divorce! Then protect them by preventing those bad events from happening. I know the source anyways. As much as I'd like to say I don't love them anymore, I'd be lying if I do. I even still remember those 7 idiots from my past life. My unlucky number must be 7..

Anyways they already filled up the divorce papers, I can just submit it.

Ha! I'll live through this life!! HAZZAH!

*parking sounds* *screech*

'Who in navy jones locker is such a horrible driver- oh..'

Two cars park and came out armed men. They were carrying guns and from what I remember, these guys are part of one of the 5 gangs in America.

"We'll get that King now, heh~" One of those guys snickered.

'Ughhh..I knew he was part of something'

I reached something from the backseat. I opened a hidden compartment in the bottom of the seat. There it is~

A handy dandy tire popper and my lovely Glock 19 hand gun~

To be Continued . . .

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