Not Possible

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After eating donuts I walked to Lorenzo's room with Elijah. I sat down at the chair and let them get comfortable.

"Since the two of you were the first ones to call me, What Happened between the two of you and Kayleigh?" I asked with a raise of a brow.

"We asked her out the other day but she said that she wanted some space to think about it. We can't help but be nervous, we really like her and we did everything you said. We cleanly and properly broke it all off with our past hook-ups and cleaned everything up." Lorenzo explained.

I patted both of their backs, "It's fine, it's normal to be nervous. If you knew you made an effort, you did everything you can, you're true with your feelings then it's good. Just remember, no matter the outcome, you must take it with respect." 

"Of course." They both nodded their heads.

"If she says she's not ready then take things slow, if she says that she only sees you two as friends then try to find a way to change her mind but never forget your boundaries. If she doesn't like you then don't continue. I..don't want both of you to end up hurt so make sure you're sure she's a good girl." I smiled and hugged them.

They thanked me so I went to find Luke *sigh*

"Now, you have a lot to explain to him." I shook my head.

"Yeah..I know.."

We sat down and talked about his plan to confront Chase. I told him to say what was on his heart and be sincere. He said he was nervous about opening up to his family since only Lily knew that he is gay.

But I already knew that they already have a feeling about that. He's not the slickest guy and If I had to send someone on a mission to pretend to be someone else, I would never assign Luke to that task.

Afterward, I talked to Vincent about him and Maple. He said that Savannah already wants her to be her new mother. I'm pretty sure he's leaving out a lot of information about his relationship with Maple. They are not official but something must have happened behind the scenes.

But I won't poke into it, after my romance advising was done I walked out of his room. Savannah just arrived with Maple. She ran to me and hugged my legs.

I saw in the corner of my eyes that Maple was blushing whenever her eyes met with Vincent's. Vincent, you lucky bastard.

I didn't notice how time quickly passed and it was 11:13 pm. They offered that I could sleep over but I said next time.

It took almost an hour to get back home, I saw the guys' cars parked at the parking lot so they must have arrived. Funny how I'm giving romance/relationship advice meanwhile my marriage is on the rocks.

I opened the door but then the strong smell of alcohol slipped through my nostrils.

"Sin you look like a fucking idiot." Lessio laughed while crouching on the floor while pointing at Sin..who was playing with my.. makeup. The thing is, Lessio also had horrible makeup on his face.

"Shh..I'm trying to look like our wife." He shushed Lessio and said in a whisper. He sloppily applied eyeliner all over his eyes. I don't even use eyeliner that often.

"Why the fuck do you have eighteen fingers?!" August stared at Rhett's hands with so much focus.

"I must be an alien then," Rhett said as if he just accepted his fate, lying on the floor like a starfish.

"Pstt, Hey who's that pretty lady over there?" Key nudged Niko on the stomach and whispered. He was blatantly pointing at me.

"I don't know but she's really fucking pretty. She looks like our wife." Niko shooked his head but he seemed amazed.

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