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I threw the plate to the opposite direction so it smacked my already whipped cream up brother. Well this is awkward, why the heck are they here??

"Uhm, do you need anything?" I asked.

"You didn't inform." Lessio started.

"Hm?" I forced out a smile

"You didn't informed us that you were staying out." Niko said. He looked annoyed

"What? Do I need to?" I raised a brow

"Naturally, what do you think? You live with us." Gray responded harshly.

I looked at my brother, "Beau, you should go inside..please?" I pleaded.

He seemed hesitant but I placed a hand on his shoulder so he nodded and left.


"Did you perhaps forgot about our agreement?? That I don't tell anyone about your infidelity to me and with that you don't bother me and my decisions??" I asked mockingly.

"We still should know where you're going, we don't know if something happened to you or not." Sin said, hm..makes sense.

"Hm..give me your phones." I said.

Keiran took his phone out first so I typed in my number and messaged myself using his phone.

I was going to type mine in Rhett's but he already has my number? I looked at him confused but he didn't react so I just saved his instead.

Soon I was done with the rest and gave them back their phones.

"There now if you need me, message me. Do.. you want to come in?" I asked with a smile.

Before they could even say anything the door opened revealing my string cheesed-whipped creamed Mother.

"Who's at the Door? Oh! My sons in laws! Hello there, come in!" My mother invited them in.

I can see that my sister attacked Beau even more since he's literally a snowman with a stringed cheese hat.

My father was..relatively clean? While I..gosh I just noticed how I looled like, My hair is the definition of sticky.

I went to freshen up and later the rest did too. Now I'm left with them in the living room.

The maids were still cleaning up our mess. I stood up and went to the oven, the third batch of pie is ready. Its an apple pie, Keiran's favorite.

I cutted up some slices and placed them on a trolley. I handed them each a plate of pie and gave them iced-black tea lemonade

They took a bite, "Does it taste fine?" I asked, mom made it and its her own recipe

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They took a bite, "Does it taste fine?" I asked, mom made it and its her own recipe.

"It tastes Delicious." Key smiled.

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