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I  groaned at the weight on my shoulder so I opened my eyes.

"The fuck?" I blurted out. I looked at my right and August was lying right beside me. To my left was surprising, Lessio's head was snugging close to the crook of my neck. Then it hit me.

Unimaginably painful cramps in my lower abdomen. You see this is what I don't get, in all my lives as Henrietta, I never experienced menstrual pain but when I became Catalina things changed. 

I experienced knee dropping, horrible menstrual pain and for some reason it transferred to me now. The first ones were to face my mood swings were the Hernandez's brothers. I think I made Luke tear up at one point? 

Then I felt it, the stickiness and the feeling of dampness...not the good kind. The one that makes you wonder if its mayo or ketchup.

"Ughhh." I held my stomach as I writhed in pain. I quickly bunched all the blanket, stealing the ones covering Key and August.

"Rietta?" Lessio woke alarmed and shot up assessing me.

"What's wrong??!" He looked at me with worried eyes. 

I on the other hand was embarrassed, I'm pretty sure I stained the bed sheets. I think I'm gonna cry..I'm gonna fucking cry right now...

The other guys woke up as well, "Please tell us what's wrong? Is it your wound? Do you want medicine??" Gray went on.

"Rietta, let me check ok?" August gazed at me.

"G-..get out." I managed to squeak out, 


"Why? Henrietta..please, tell us what's wrong." Rhett insisted.

"Call Wendy, right now please. Get out." I said while covering myself underneath the blankets.

I heard their footsteps filing out of the room, "Madam? What's wrong?" I heard Wendy speak out. I immediately removed the blankets and started bawling like an idiot.

"Why am I even crying right now? ahhh Wendy, pain meds please? *sob* It hurts like a fucking bitchhh. Wait..wait wait, Where's my phone? ...I can't find it, it's fine I just need to relax *inhale* OUCH! mother fucking stab wound..*sob* life hates me today." 

I look down where my pants was and there was a big blob of stain, I was about to react then my lower abdomen spasmed again.

"Wendyyyy, it hurtsss, it hurts so baddd can I please have that pain killers now?? I think- no, I know I stained the fucking bed sheets. I'm so embarrassed right now, Wendy *sob* I- I might even have stained Key's mattress..AHHHH that's so fricking baddd. He'll hate me for this.." I complained.

"Schatz, I will not hate you for that." Key went inside the room with a change of clothes for me, how do I know? It's my onesie with a front zipper.

"Schatz?" I looked around the room," Is it another side chick of yours again? My name is Henrietta you big dick." I sassed whilst twitching in pain, I always have enough energy to be bitchy.

"*sigh* Schatz means treasure in German" He let out a small laugh.

Oh..meh not my fault I'm not fluent in German. I just continued to look at him unamused but then I remembered I stained his sheets since Wendy came in with new covers.

My jaw slacked a little open, I snapped my head at Key who was looking at the sheets.

"U-um, so did you hear that I.." I stuttered, I don't even stain my bed sheets and yet my period just thought staining someone else's was a genius Idea.

"Rietta, it's fine. It's normal for a woman to go through their cycle, do you need anything? food? tampons? heating pads? blankets?" 

"..How about, can you leave while I change?"

He nodded his head and placed my clothes beside me, I got up and quickly went to the bathroom. I took a shower but I made sure to be careful first then wore my pajamas.

I walked out of the room and went downstairs, I was met with the kitchen table full of food but there weren't any maids. The security guard was standing by the furthest door from us. 

I looked at the table and it had a bowl of oatmeal with sliced bananas on top and mango yoghurt on the side. I sat down at the very obvious prepared seat with an extra cushion on top of the cushion.

August came out with a cup of warm milk, "You took a shower, are you fine? Key said you were on your period and these should be good to eat during periods." 

He was saying a lot more stuff but I zoned out, I tend to whenever I'm in my period. 

  I didn't notice I was already chewing on the oatmeal being fed to me by August while Niko already handed me a heat pad and wrapped me in a blanket.

I  was thinking about what reason were leprechauns in the cartoons were found at the end of a rainbow and beside it was a big cauldron full of gold.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Niko suggested to me.

I snapped out of it and stared at him," Seriously? A movie? Why would I want to watch a mo-"

"She sliced off her husband's genitals-" The documentary played it even showed the pictures. I was lying down in Niko's bed with him and Gray beside me. I was eating ice cream and was focused at the screen.

"U-uh, do you not want to watch anything else? like an action movie? horror movie?" Gray asked me while adjusting his position.

"Hm, ok let's watch the mirrors then. I heard from Dorothy it was pretty good though it is an old film."

(A/n: I watched this movie, it's called Mirrors (2008) when I was 5 or 6 and lemme tell yah, I was scarred for life. I couldn't face the mirror for a month. I don't even re-watch it. Another movie was the Strangers. I hated talking to people after that one but I'm good now.)

-After a while-

"AH! Stop bitch! don't!" I covered my eyes, she was tearing her mouth open.

"It still surprises me that the documentary doesn't scare you and yet this fictional movie does." Niko mused.

I grabbed their hands and used it to shield my eyes from the screen. I'd peek every now and then but it creeped me out so much.

"Don't you dare aim for the fucking kid! Ah, I can't loookkk" 

The movie ended and I needed to use the toilet. I went to the bathroom and was faced with a large mirror smack in the middle. I walked back to the two in the bed, "..could you maybe, you know...just stand by the door?" 

So the both of them willingly followed me and they stood out by the door. I went inside the bathroom, leaving the door open and avoiding eye contact with the mirror and did my business. I washed my hands, still not looking at the mirror.

Every person's mentality: if you don't see it, it doesn't see you.

To be Continued . . .


If y'all think I'm being dramatic with her attitude during her period then let me say that my Mom, is a complete nutjob when she has her period.

Her mood swings does constant 180° and sometimes 90° changes 😂

And then my bestfriends, don't get me started with them. One of them cries one moment for the littlest things then go back to being a happy jolly self. Then later cries again. 🤣

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