Stupid Rules

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Dined in McDonalds and it seems that there were some people that recognizes me as a model.

That's the fake name I'm using too, Heralynn Walker. (Henrietta + Mandolynn)

I wasn't allowed to rescind my contract since I signed a 5 year contract with them and I have at least 2 more years. I also have a dreaded stupid photoshoot in two and a half months. Gosh its been so long.

(A/n: I think its called, Cambridge University? Idk ヽ('ー`)┌ )

I parked my car and head towards the registrars office to get my schedule

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I parked my car and head towards the registrars office to get my schedule. I have biology, organic chemistry, general chemistry, English, physics, psychology, sociology, calculus and my dreaded subject...History.

I just hate History, I don't know why but I never got used to it.


Organic Chemistry
General Chemistry






Physical Education

...Yeah I'm not a fan of the scheduling either. I walked to my first class and it lasted 2 hours before we were given a 20 minute break time. There were boring jocks who were trying to talk to me but I just gave them a dead conversation. It went like:

"Hi Baby girl, where you from?" A group of jocks approached me.

"Earth." I said without looking at them.

They laughed awkwardly then said," You wanna come to our party on Friday? You're invited" One of them winked.

"Oh wow. Thanks" As I packed my books back to my bag.

"We'll see you there, sexy"

*Dude..she's just not into you~* I hummed.

Then I walked away, leaving them there.

Right now I'm enjoying the break time, My break time and Dorothy's doesn't match so I have to wait till lunch. I see a girl being confronted by a group of girls, she seems to be in a lower grade than me. I was gonna ignore them until she was being shoved.

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