Let's get Physical

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"YOU'RE AWAKE?!" Luke yelled.

"Bro, chill I don't mind. SoOo, Chase Adams huh?" Lily wiggled her eyebrows.

Luke gave an exasperated sigh and started driving again.

"If I was a cop, I'd revoke your license" I hoarse out as I rubbed my neck.

We started talking about random stuff until we reached the mansion. I was the one who got out first since the guards wouldn't let us in.

When I went inside the house I noticed a pair of sandals? Is Wendy's granddaughter here?

Lily and Luke were right behind me. I decided to go to Sin's office first and tell him I'd be staying out. I told the two to wait for a bit as I went in but..he wasn't there. I noticed there were a bunch of files scattered around so I fixed it a bit.

I was worried that it might fly so I opened the drawer to find something to hold it down.


I grabbed the paper that suddenly fell and..divorce papers. They're signed as well. They all signed it.


I took an empty envelope and place the divorce papers in and brought it with me then I walked back out.

"What did he say?" Lily asked.

"Oh he wasn't there, I'll just text them. Come on let's go to my room."

As we walked to my room, I could hear mumbles getting louder and louder. My door was slightly creaked open.

I peered in and saw Ellerat. What the fuck is Ellerat doing in my room?! I looked in more and saw my glorious husbands inside there as well and their distance were pretty much almost non-existent.

I didn't notice that Lily was peeking as well.

"Let's get Physical, physical, we wanna get physical. Let's be physical~" she started whisper singing.

"Lily, I can't stay mad if you're singing this song."

"Oh sorry." She made a peace sign.

Then Sin suddenly pins her down on my bed?! Mother fucker that's my bed!

Without knowing I grabbed a vase and opened the door. I threw the vase across to my bed frame, shattering it.

All eyes were on me.

"Seriously? If you wanna fucking make out. Don't do it on my room mother fucker."

"I-its not your room anyways.." Ellery stuttered.

"Fucking Bitch are you stupid?!" I yelled.

"Henrietta" Key raised his voice.

"T-they're the one's who o-own the house..not you." She explained.

"Oh. You've got a point there. So, is this your room then?" I asked and she just scanned my room and secretly smiled mockingly at me .

The audacity.

"Ah, ok. I get it. This is their house, they can do anything thing they want in their house. I don't own a single thing in this house and this room is basically charity to me. Got it."

"Henrietta, it's not what you-"

"Fuck off. I don't want to hear excuses." I went to my closet and took out a bag. I stuffed it with just enough clothes I needed for the night and some for tomorrow.

"Here, let me help you." Luke suddenly came out and grabbed my bag for me.

"A-are you cheating on them? H-how could you?!" Ellery cried out.

"DUMB BITCH ALERT!" Lily yelled from the hallway.

Me and Luke were going out when Key grabbed my wrist. What the fuck now?

"Would you listen?, we haven't made her-"

"Hold on Hold on...do you hear that?" I said then everyone went quiet.

"A crow was telling me to stop listening to your bullshit." I shoved him backwards and walked away.

"I'm staying over at a friend's house."


"I'm not your friend." Luke said as we stopped by the main door.

"What?" I asked in a whisper and he gave me a wink then faced my husbands.

"I'm her boyfriend" He said proudly.

"What did you say??" August glared at him.

Luke turned his back at them and looked at me straight in the eye. His face scrunched up and he murmured something that only I can hear.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..ugh ew" I'll definitely punch him later.

His face leaned on mine and our lips connected.

He moved a bit so they couldn't see we were talking through the kiss

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He moved a bit so they couldn't see we were talking through the kiss.

"You know I'm gonna punch you later right?"

"Not if I run away first."

I ran my hand on his chest and found his nipples and twisted it. He then finally broke the kiss and crossed his arms. Hurts doesn't it? Mwehehehehe.

"Figlio di puttana!" Nico yelled angrily.

(You Motherfucker!)

I looked at Rhett and in the corner of my eye I could see that he was stopping himself from grabbing the ✨gun✨ and that's when it hit me that it was time to make a run for it. 😀👍🏻

I yanked on his shirt and signaled him that it was time to go as in GO.

He quickly opened the door for me and I got in and we drove off.

"Why are you driving so fast?!" Lily complained.

We halted at a..convenience store?

Luke got out of the car and went in, when he got out he had a bottle of mouth wash and started gurgling and spitting it out.

"Why are you using mouthwash?" I asked.

"To disinfect my mouth, duh? I don't know you might have cooties plus girl, you're definitely not my type." He rolled his eyes at me.

"WHY YOU LITTLE- COME HERE!" I yelled as I chased him around then I realized something in this life of mine.


To be Continued. . .

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