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I wrote this chapter before I posted the previous chapter so please don't kill me ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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"Hermana!" Vincent yelled from downstairs

(Older Sis!)

*though the term Hermana can be used for both older and younger sister. They use it in a way to say older sister. Even Lily does it now.*

"Si?" I shouted back

"Hermana!!" He repeated still echoing from downstairs.

"Oi?! Si!" I yelled back, starting to get a little irritated.


"VINCENT! QUE QUIERES?!" I got up and walked towards the stairs.
(Vincent! What do you want?!)

. . .

Recap, In a span of the beginning of the two weeks of school, I've taken care of, been kidnapped TWICE to be exact, and fought with the guys. It was supposed to be just a day sleepover in the Hernandez's but somehow it ended up with me staying with them for over a month.

The guys have called me numerous times now, asking me to go back home which I responded with, why should I? It's not like it's mine anyway. Yeah, I'm petty.

At first, I said, I wanted them to be my Little Brothers. Well, they are the most pain in the arse little brothers I've ever met.

Mindless calls for me to ask for DUMB QUESTIONS and I've become their opinion box.

"Hermana, do you know how I should deal with the dealings of the casino in xxx " Vincent asked.

"Vincent. You transfer the shares to Lorenzo's name then you deal with those rats. " I just stared at him, I'm pretty sure he knows what to do and he just wanted confirmation that he was right.

"Hmm, so I was right then. Thank you." Then he went back to work. I'm about to bust it on this kid! But I can't call him a kid. I mean, he has his own child for Pete's sake!

The cutest child ever, SAVANNAH!

Her mom, Vincent's past girlfriend-ish died from a drunk driving accident. Just like their (Lily's and her brother's) Mom. I said girlfriend-ish because they weren't really serious with each other he said. He never really developed feelings.

And it was just all about the *ehem* that, anyways! Savannah is 6 years old and she does not like her birth mother from what I've observed.

She stayed with her till the age of 3 but it's like she still remembers her time with her. She prefers to call her babysitter Mom instead, hehehehe.

She's slick, she knows there's something going on between the two of them. Even I am trying to hook them both up together. The Babysitter, Maple Suzuki.

She's very headstrong, sweet and kind. She comes from a humble background and earns money through babysitting. She's a fine arts major and is in her last year.

Physically she's one year older than me but even then it doesn't stop her from treating me like the older one. Mentally I'm definitely wayyy older than them.

I love Savannah and Maple soo much but there's one thing I'm not a fan of.

"Tia Mandy!" Savannah shouts as she runs over to me.                                                                                  (Auntie Mandy)

"Morning Mandy-san" Maple teases

Yup, a few weeks ago Lan lan came over and when he called me "Mandy" it was also the first day I met Savannah and Maple so from that day they've called me Mandy. 

"Good morning to you both." I carried Savannah.

"Morning, Hermana Mandy hihhihi" Lily added in the weight. 

"*giggles* Good morning to you too, Lily." I patted her head.

We followed in to eat breakfast. The hardest one to get along with was Lorenzo, he was the most arrogant among the brothers. But when I finally got along with him he became a teddy bear, a softie.

"Hermana, what are you going to do later today?" Lorenzo asks as he sat beside me in the sofa.

"Nothing much, why?" 

"Me and Elijah needs your help." he pleaded.

"Hm.. let me guess, girl problems?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"..yeah." He pouted.

"*sigh* I'll be there after I talk to Lily, ok?" 

"Great!" He hugs me and leaves.

I walked to Lily's room and knocked on her door. 

"Come in!" she mumbles from the other side of the door.

"What's up Lily?" I asked,

"Xavier King, that's what." She flops on her bed.

I made a bet with Luke the other week about her and Xavier. I could tell that Xavier has had an interest with Lily since the bad boy of the school kept on stealing glances on our precious Lily.  Then the pinning her down by the lockers, Phew~

Their interactions were really cute! Well if it weren't for the fact that I had to pull back Lorenzo and Luke from getting in the way. Although I feel as though there's more to him. He might be involved in the same shady business as these people but as long as he doesn't hurt Lily in any way possible, there's no problem with me.

"Go on~" 

"So he's asking me to go on a date with him." she muffled through the pillow.

"Is he now?" I grinned.

"mhm, I have a date with him tonight."

"*cough cough* T-tonight??" I choked out.

"Yup" She popped the p. 

(A/n: It's NoT a WaTtPaD bOoK iF yOu DoN't pOp THe P hehehehe)

"Does your brother's know??" I asked.

"Nope, you're the only one who knows" She smiled.

"Not anymore." Angelo barged in the room and gave us a sly smile.

"And here come's the overprotective brother~" I spin in the seat I was sitting on.

"With an S" Elijah said then the rest of them came in.

"Oh come on!" Lily complained.

"No, you cannot go on your date." Vincent insisted.

"Why not? I can just follow from the behind in any case something bad happens." I said, Lily looked at me with hope and I just winked.

"Definitely not! What should we do if something happens to you?! One, we don't want you to get hurt and Two, your husbands will get our necks!" Johnathan exclaimed and got smacked in the head by Lorenzo.

"Are you looking down on my ability to protect myself?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No Ma'am." He sat down.

"Good, now what are you talking about my husbands?" I crouched in front of him.


"Spill it." 

"*sigh* Mr. Knight made us promise to keep you safe in return they wouldn't drag you back over there." Vincent confessed.

"Pfft- which Mr. Knight? all of them are technically a Knight." 

"Oh, Orsin Knight." 

"Hm, then I'm staying here for a long time then. Well that is unless I buy my own apartment." I said happily.

"No need! Just stay here." Lily pouted.

"*giggle* Ok ok, now get out I have to dress Lily up for her date~"

To be Continued . . .

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