I was never here

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I was packing the cookies so that they could eat as a snack for later. The day is going great!

*ding dong*

'Oh? I wonder who it is?'

I walked my way over to the front door and opened it. I mean if the guards let whoever it is in, it meant that the guys allowed that person here.

"Yes, how can I-"  I stopped.

"Hi! Can I come in?" She said in the fakest voice I have ever heard.

Ellerat. (Ellery + Rat)

I didn't say anything but just opened the door wider. I heard footsteps behind me and I faced them.

"You have a guest." I deadpanned.

Nico's faced scrunched up in confusion but then he saw Ellery and his face brightens? but why does it look..no it must be my imagination.

He walked closer to her and gave her a hug while I was facing her smirking face. Just a little more and I'm gonna make her loose her teeth.

I walked away as the rest of my husbands gather around Ellery.

Continuing where I left off, I packed all eight bags of chocolate chip cookies. I placed them on a tray and approached the guys.

"You have school today right? Henrietta, maybe you can drive her to school with you." I was caught in their  conversation.

Oh right, they don't know I'm enrolled in Hilford University.

"Sorry, I can't. Here, I packed you guys some-"

"What do you mean you can't??" Lessio cut me off.

"I mean I cannot drop her off."

"Stop being so selfish, Henrietta." Gray expressed with a forced like tone.

"Ah nevermind, I need to go. Here, do you want it or not?" I pointed at the cookies.

"Why would we want to eat garbage?" Rhett clenched his jaws in anger.

The fuck? Just a while a go you were being all nice to me and shit. Now you did a full 180. Pick one, asshole.

"Aw, come on don't say that." She took my bag of cookies and took a bite on it. But hey, at least she ate it.

I shrugged and walked away, I should just bring'em to school. I packed two more for me and my sister.

. . .

Our only class today is Physical Education and Fitness. We went to the gymnasium and luckily I had this class with Luke.


"Ok guys, I need one volunteer to grab the balls at the sports room cause today folks, we're playing football." She then looked around.

"Heralynn, go grab the balls at the sports room, it's behind the gymnasium. Here's the key since there's a chance it might be locked."

'Wha- I didn't even raised my hand???'

*sigh* I made my way to the back of the gymnasium to find the balls but I was stuck with five doors.

You got to be kidding me...


What the fuck was that?! A ghost?! No..it sounded too animal like..a cat??


'It sounded stressed, is the cat dying?!'

I could hear pitter patters so I'm definitely convinced there's a cat dying. It's freaking moaning for God's sake!

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