It's just about to Start

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"I know right? Oh and also, I will need some low-grade GHB drug to put in a drink." I said.

"Huh? why?" Angelo asked.

"Oh, that's because Elize will be drugging my husbands so might as well pull the Uno reverse card while I'm at it, you know?"

"Oh, ok then..wait, what?" They both stared at me in shock.

"Ah..also a good lawyer. I'm getting a divorce."

- - - 

"So, what do you think of my plan?" I said with a smirk.

"You are crazy, Henrietta. I can't do that on my own! Plus, how can we be sure no one else would know???" Lucia stared at me as if I were a lunatic.

"Psh~ That is where these fellas come in place, isn't that right Angelo?" I smiled at him.

"...I swear, if they found out we have anything to do with it, they'll kill us for sure." He sighed.

"Don't worry, they won't. Plus, isn't it high time for us to win? Seven times is well enough." 

"Couldn't agree with you more on that part." 

"For now, let's get those drugs shall we? Don't forget the lawyer."

So fast forward to where we are now, the three of us are about five tables away from my husbands and their saucy mistress.

"What's the update about the goods?" I asked Lucia while raising my sunglasses to take a better look at the vibe their getting with.

"Elijah just informed me that you will be able to obtain the low-grade GHB drug in a few minutes. A guy with a ..funky mustache? will come in through the door...the fuck?" She stared at the message with knitted brows.

"Oh, it."

Mario is one of their men that works for them, he has this weird mustache that curls up at the end in an odd way.

"How about you, Angelo? What's the update on that lawyer?" I asked while still looking at Ellerat and feeding myself some of the onion rings.

"We are contacting Camilla Velasquez, she graduated three years ago but she rose to the top in less than two years. She has won all of her cases and has already taken twenty-five divorce cases."

"I see." I then sipped from my milkshake.

"I-Is that the Mario guy you were talking about?" Lucia subtly pointed at the guy with a brown and white striped shirt and beige pants. His head was shiny and bald, and his mustache wanted to be like Hitler's but also be like those stereotypical french mustaches.

"Yup, that's Mario." 

I stood up, now wearing a different wig, and walked towards Mario. He thought I was suspicious at first but when he realized who I was he calmed down. He handed me a purse and we acted,

"Thank you, young gentleman, for finding my purse. How can I ever thank you enough." I smiled at him.

"No problem ma'am, it's not a big deal." He saluted me and jogged away. 

He..was never one for acting..

I excused myself to the comfort room and took a look at the drugs. It was the exact type I wanted, good-grade GHB drugs will react fast but Low-grade GHB drugs would only kick in after an hour.

I already asked Key to look into Elize's or should I say Ellerat's latest expenditures and one of them was a high-class hotel. We looked further into it and their booking should be 45 minutes from now. That is why I need to get this drug into her food, which is not a problem in my opinion.

My lovely dogs, Mr. Button's and Mr. Cuddles..I trust in you my beloved doggos..and Lanlan.

"You better explain to me what is happening when all of this shit is done." Lanlan glared at me.

"Of course, I will. Love you~" He rolled his eyes in the video call and hung up.

I could see him coming inside the restaurant, all blinged up and unrecognizable with my two precious dogs.

"Um Sir, you can't bring your dogs inside the restaurant."

"Sir?? It's MADAM to you! What do you mean by not allowed?? Are you telling me to leave my precious babies outside in the cold??!" 

"N-No Sir, err Ma'am, I definitely did not mean it that wa-"

"I wAnT tO tALK wiTH YoUr ManAGeR! Bring him out this instant!" He demanded.

"But S- Ma'am" Did I mention that the waiter in question was Ian who just so happened to work here? Flo was on the side by the door where servers go in and out on and exactly at a spot where no cameras would expose her.

God, I love my friends.

( Julian (Ian): One of Henrietta's closest friends. Florence(Flo): Another one of Henrietta's closest friends and is also a model)

While they were arguing, Flo finally gave the signal as it meant that my husbands and Ellerats food were going to be served. Then just like that, he let go of the dogs.

The server walked out of the door and she almost slipped when Mr. Cuddles brushed past her. I caught her by the hip and helped her out. The food and drinks almost slipped and that was when I slipped the drug in.

"Are you alright?!" I asked, faking worry.

"T-Thank you so much! I'm so sorry." She apologized. I told her it was alright and she expressed her thanks before carrying the tray over to their table.

The relief spread all over my body when I saw that stupid rat take a huge gulp of her expensive wine.

Florence smiled from ear to ear knowing that it was mission success. Ian finally had a reason to quit his job at this restaurant and we witnessed Lanlan die from embarrassment. A win-win situation.

"Rietta, Camilla decided to take up the case," Angelo told me.


I sat down, enjoying my food while witnessing my husbands said infidelity.  All of a sudden when a ruckus began on the side, they were distracted for a quick while, and like the flash, we saw something amazing.

"You saw that?!" Lucia whisper yelled.

"I know right?! Bitch was like the fucking flash, take note, never buy iced tea with extra foam," I said. Ellerat slipped in the drug in that quick second they were not looking. We are honestly astounded by her swiftness.

Even I would be tricked if I were in their position. From now on, I'll buy drink covers. 




"Damn, that's scary as shit." Angelo shivered and noted to buy drink covers as well.

"How many more minutes do we have?"

"About 10 and they should get going." 

"The hard part is just about to start, guys." 

To be Continued . . . 

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