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Extra update for you~

- Alessio's POV -

After we left the Spade's residence we went to Ellery's house. She called us over to hang out, she said she felt lonely and bored. Of course, we'd love to accompany her.

Today was just the same, she wanted us to take her out for some food.

She just remind me so much of that person in my dream..I know its wrong to think of her that way but, she has a strong resemblance to that person. Even though I can't make out persons face..they have the same hair.. But there's still an off feeling I can't shake.

That person has cause me my sleepless nights. It irritates me to no end that just when I'm about to see their face, I wake up. Who the fuck is it?! Why can't I see their face?!


"Is there something wrong, Lessio?" Rhett asked.

"No..there's nothing" I responded.


"Where the fuck is Ellery?" Niko asked.

"She told us to come to her house right?" August added, confused.

"She did, it says right here on my phone." Rhett replied while showing us their text messages.

"The Door's open?" Key said with a quizzical look as he pushed the door wider.

We went in and saw a note;

We have the girl, Knight. Go to xxx and come alone if you want to see her alive again. Don't worry we have an extra special surprise for you.

"Cazzo!" Niko cursed.

Sin pulled out his phone and called his men to plan out a way to enter xxx without being found out he had other people with him.


*ring* *ring*

"Бля, что теперь ?! " I yelled.

(Fuck, What now?!)

I checked the number and it was Henrietta, fucking God what does she want now?!

"Henrietta? Listen I don't have time for your bullshit right now." I said and hanged up the phone.

Ellery could die, I can entertain her later. Ellery is more important.


Sin went in the warehouse where Ellery is and we waited for his signal to head in. We heard a few gunshots but..that was all? I thought the Mexican Mafia would have more in there, they were talking all big and shit.

He came out with Ellery who seemed unharmed but she was crying, my heartaches for her. She doesn't deserve this.

We all drove back home and we told our men to fall back. There was no need to kill anyone today.

We took Ellery back to our home to rest and calm herself. After an hour I decided to call Henrietta and apologize for my tone earlier and ask what she needed.

I saw that she sent multiple messages.

Those weren't messages...it was pictures. Pictures of her tied up, bruises forming on her body, cuts on her cheeks that looked to have been slapped repeatedly, she looked...like she was beaten up.

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