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I got ready to pick up my babies, I didn't need to dress up much since I'm just going back to my home. 

I have my own car so I didn't ask for the driver today

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I have my own car so I didn't ask for the driver today. I wanted to support Niko with his automobile business by buying my own Valentino Car. Though I don't think it would have made any difference since his company is very well known as it is successful. 

"Wendy, I'm going now" I told her.

"Ok Madam, stay safe" She smiled.

As I leave the door, Rhett was just entering. I just nodded my head as a way to greet him and averted eye contact. Then I felt a slight tug, I look back and he was pinching(?) one of my belt loops. I was confused and looked at him

"...So?" I started off.

"Uh..I, are you ok?" He awkwardly asked.

"??? Um..yeah? Thanks for asking.."

" *clears throat* That's good then" He cleared his throat but it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Uh huh..I'll go now.." I pointed behind me and slowly removed his hand on my belt loop that I pressume he forgot to let go.

He just nodded and I speed walked my way to the car. I drove to the store to get the items I bought yesterday, it was the doggy beds, food, snacks, hygiene stuff, toys and other random stuff I bought.

I then drived to my home and was greeted by my sister at the front.

"Dorothy!" I yelled and hugged her.

"Ah~ I missed you sis" She hugged me back.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked.

"Oh Dad's on a business trip but he should be back by tonight and Mom's in her studio room practicing her lines." She replied not letting go of me.

"Great! I'll stay home today then." I said.

"Really?! You will??" She looked up at me.

"Seriously." I smiled.

"Yasss!!" She squealed then dragged me inside the house.

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh well ╮(─▽─)╭

"Mom! Rietta's going to stay over tonight!" She shouted, mother's studio is on the third floor but her ears are sharper than a bats.

"Rietta?!" Her voice echos.

Loud thuds of footsteps can be heard but to me it sounds like a horse..hehe

"Rietta!" She was about to hug me but hesitated for a bit so I hugged her first.

"Aww my baby's here"

"I'm back home, mom" I giggled.

*woof woof* *bark*

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