No way...

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TW: Mention of Blood and Violence and it gets somewhat descriptive. 

Now. How am I exactly going to leave this shithole without being spotted by the shithole?

Tricky..Tricky..should have planned this beforehand. Well, too late to regret things now.

I looked around the room and remembered that in the top left corner there is this rectangle-shaped window, it's not big but it should be enough for me to fit my head and slip my body out. Now if I'm in this room and then...

I walked a bit to peek out and it was a storage unit beside. So that means that the air conditioner vent and lining should be out of that window. If I recall my memories about this fucking house, there should be a balcony right above this one, it's where many of his men are staying, and then right below this one should be..where the power box is. 

I heaved a sigh as the excitement builds up in my chest, I can feel my heart beating fast..I really am looking forward to this day for a long time last.

I dragged the table to the window and pushed open the creaky glass. I knew it, there was a vent.

I jumped to the vent and landed on the frontal part of my feet and not the sole as it would have made too much noise. I checked first if there were anyone there and thankfully, none.

I slipped in and quickly found this beautiful sight of the power box. I caressed it with glee and with a soft pull...lights out.

-Third Person's POV-

Ezip sat in his office, he didn't notice that on his monitor was Henrietta covering the security camera in her room as he was too distracted and preoccupied. Suddenly all the lights went off. Ezio looked up in annoyance but continued in his conversation with the other person on the phone. He didn't worry that Henrietta would escape as he was sure she didn't have the capabilities to. 

"Are you not satisfied? It's going exactly where you want it to." Ezio complained.

"No of course I am.  Just a little bit more but I assume that you are quite satisfied with our deal?"

" *chuckles* Not quite, as long as those pests are still alive I can't have any peace of mind."

As he continued with his conversation, he grew tired of the fact that the electricity wasn't back even after an hour has passed. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed his gun and walked out of his room.

"Why the fuck is the electricity not back up yet?!" He yelled out but the silence was the only reply.

"Ricardo!" He yelled in anger but still, silence.

It was at that moment, that he knew something was wrong. He opened the door to his Third-in-command's office but on the chair was a lifeless body with blood spilling from its throat. As he proceeded throughout the rooms, all he was met with were his soldiers bathing in the pool of their own blood.

Silently he pulled out his phone to call another one of his men for backup. When he felt something brush past his back. All of a sudden, he fell to the ground.

'I- I can't fucking get up?!' he panicked.

"Ah can't do that..Ezio." A creepy laugh emitted out from a familiar voice he knew.

"H-Henrietta???? W-Why?? You were in the room." He asked in confusion, more so when he couldn't get up.

"You know..I've always said to never mess with the surgeon...We have the capabilities to help bring someone to life but..we can also take it in the cruelest and ugliest way possible. So guess what?." She waited for his response.

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