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"I know right? Oh and also, I will need some low-grade GHB drug to put in a drink." I said.

"Huh? why?" Angelo asked.

"Oh, that's because Elize will be drugging my husbands so might as well pull the Uno reverse card while I'm at it, you know?"

"Oh, ok then..wait, what?" They both stared at me in shock.

"Ah..also a good lawyer. I'm getting a divorce."

- - - 

Angelo then started driving while calling up someone who can get the GHB drug that I needed and the lawyer.

"W-What??" Lucia asked me, baffled.

"Your sister, Elize is the same person who is trying to steal my husband from me. Ellerat."

"Wait she's Ellerat?!"

"Yup." I raised my brows at her and shrugged.

"What. The. Fuck. ...Holy Shit. It took you seven lifetimes to find out her identity and I could have actually told you about her sooner?! ..Damn I'm useless."

"Hey.." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Nah, just kidding but..why the divorce??"

"If I get a divorce, Fernando will stop planning for a while since he'd think that he finally got his hands around them. Naturally, Cirillian would too so what better way than to *cough* excuse me, what better way than to actually divorce them?" I said.

"...Are you sure you're ok with that?"



"..No, I am. I tried divorcing them a while back...I can do it. Seven lifetimes, I think I need to let go. I really am seriously stupid for not doing it any earlier."

"You are but..I can't blame you. I don't know what it's like to be so in love that you're willing to do everything." She said and I pursed my lips.

"..Henrietta. I know that look. What is the catch?"

"Catch? What catch?" I asked.

"Stop lying to me, Henrietta. What is the freaking catch."

"...*sigh* I really can't hide anything from you.. Well, Fernando might have lowered his guards around them but he's going to find a way to kill me. He just hates the fact I married the guys." I shook my head.

"And what? You expect me to just let my friend kill herself?! Are you insane?!!" 

"Lucia." Then she stiffened.

"You know..that there's something wrong with me." 


" *cough* *cough* *cough* T-Thank you, Lucia. You really don't *cough* have to." Henrietta smiled while patting Lucia's hands.

" *sniff* I'm sorry..I can't- that I couldn't do..anything.." Lucia cried.

"You're trying to help me get better anyways, right? *cough* *cough* that's more than enou-" Henrietta couldn't finish my sentence when she threw up blood.

"...H-Henrietta..I need to get you out of you're dying!" 

"..I'm bound to die, Lucia. It's going to happen, I'm just waiting for it....I'm not afraid of death." 

"But I don't want you to die!" 

"...Death will come for us all, to some much earlier than others is all." That is what she said with a smile while Lucia cried beside her.

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