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As mentioned before Cirillian Cussane wants the key from Keiran back. Cirillian foolishly placed all of his important files and documents in one hidden safe. Where all their dirty secrets were hidden, even the ownership contract for their businesses. But what's even more stupid is that before I died before, he told me where it was.

The only reason why he wants the key back was that he was an overly paranoid idiot that locked all of the files in that safe and made sure that if someone were to open that without that key, it will self-destruct. By Self-destruct, I meant the whole building will in a matter of seconds.

Why did he do that? well, he isn't the smartest man in the bin.

The only thing is that it's in their territory. Which is not that hard to infiltrate if I really wanted to. So our first goal to take down is the French mafia, I really want to kill Ezio this time around and if all else fails, stuff Ellerat in the basement.

If we stuff Ellerat in the basement, one of the mafias is bound to make a move. If we can't squeeze the information out of her, then we'll make one of them too. The fact that they keep Ellery safe means she holds importance.

Meanwhile, the guys and the Hernandez make plans for their next move, I and Ellery have to go back to school. I have an upcoming assessment test to evaluate my skills. It will be a 5 step process, the test, the advanced test, the certification test, the dummy test, and the actual surgery test.

This never existed in the world where I was back in Catalina but here is quite unique. It's quite similar to the trade school system. 

"That is why no one is to disturb me. *cough* Is that fine with you all?" I asked with most sternness.

My husbands all eagerly nodded their heads in understatement. We were currently in a penthouse that they bought with the excuse that we needed to go on a short vacation. Just so we could cover up that they were actually in the middle of planning their next step.

"But..are we allowed to bring you food at least? " Gray suggested in a slight shy voice. I tipped my head to the side, "Of course, you can why not?" I smiled.

I then went ahead to my room to focus on studying. There was a faint knock on my door and I turned around to see August, "Yes, August?" I invited him in, he wouldn't do something I told him not to unless there's a reason.

August is the most responsible among them, also the one who follows what's told to them as long as it's within reason. 

"Well, I just wanted to say that if you want help..I'm know?" 

"You wouldn't think I forgot that you own the largest branch of hospitals, right? *giggle* But sure, if I need anything, I'll let you know but for the most part, I can handle this myself. Thank you anyways, I appreciate it." I patted his back.

I will be practically living inside the hospital for two months and after that, I will finally be able to graduate and get my degree. 

A few hours passed and there was a knock on my door, I checked and this time it was Sin. 


" you want a..shoulder..massage?" He said awkwardly.

'Pfft- Sin?? are you being possessed or something?? In all my lifetimes, never have you ever offered me a shoulder massage. '


To say the least, he was not the best at it.

I enjoyed seeing him struggle to find the right spots where to hit the knots on my shoulders. He had a cute complicated look on his face. This man, who is the second rank in the strongest mafia, is massaging my shoulder with great difficulty. Adorable.

'Stop getting distracted and focus on your goddamn studies, Henrietta!' right..right, thanks brain.

Half an hour passed and then there was yet another knock on my door, Niko carrying a medium-sized box.


"Err,,, foot bath?" He lifted the box slightly upwards, showing me that it was inside.

"...Eh, why not?"

--A few moments later--

I have my feet dipped in rose water and it was being massaged by Niko. Key took over Sin's massaging as he wasn't good at it so Sin massaged my hand instead. Rhett was over by my hair, brushing it as he pleased. Lessio in front of me, fixing my sinuses. Gray was feeding me sweets and then there was August who was reading me my lectures.

...What the fuck?

Is this a perk of having many husbands? I mean, are husbands supposed to do this? I'm not even asking them to. 

In the end, instead of concentrating on my studies like how I planned, I ended up having a husband spa day.

Of course, I blocked them off the next day and made sure that I locked the door to prevent them from even entering my room. 

The day came when I had to go to University and start the nearly two-month program of assessments. It was definitely not the most challenging thing in the world...oh who am I kidding, it was easy.

It was too easy that I even surprised myself. During my breaks, I would receive a message from all of them asking how was my day, Had I eaten yet, was the assessment hard, or if they'd try to garner any small talk just to extend our conversation.

It was nice among all the pent-up stress I had over those assessments. I thought that there might be something wrong since it was too easy. It was me overthinking every little thing about the whole ordeal.

I also had some updates about all their sides, so far their plans are being pushed back until the French mafia makes the first move, aka Ezio the perverted shithead. Speaking of Ezio, I have not observed any stalking around me or anything relatively worrisome.

It's suspicious nonetheless. 

My Doctor said that she is still looking for a heart donor but things have been going well. My condition is stable for now but as much as possible I need a heart transplant. If I don't get one, I won't last any more than two years. In itself should be concerning but after dying soo many times, I hardly find dying a problem.

I have nothing to lose except for revenge and that secret their hiding from me about their deaths. I'd like to not die, not until I find that out at least.

"Time's up. Excellent work, Miss Walker. You never cease to amaze me.

"Thank you for your compliment, Dr. Beckham," I said while I remove my surgical gown. and place it by the bin where our used items.

Today was the last day of the assessment. After nearly two months, I'm finally free. I practically lived inside the Hospital, not even when I was a doctor did I stay inside the Hospital straight, the most I went home this whole time was eleven days.

*sigh*  It's 7:27 pm and I'm tired as fuck. 

I walked to the front of the hospital to catch a taxi to go to the dorm provided for us when a car pulled over.

"Heralynn! It's been so long since I last saw you!" A familiar voice cheerfully said as they walked out of the car to greet me.

'God dangit.'

"I know right?! I haven't seen you since the celebration. How have you been?"

"Everything's been great, would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Of course, I would...Ezio."

To be Continued . . .

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