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-Third Person's POV-

"Now, you kids better not worry your mother, ok? Hurry along now, you lot still have class." Their nanny smiled and waved them off as they got on their school bus.

"We won't make mommy worried, right brothers?" Valeria smirked.

"Of course, we won't. That is if we don't get caught...but who says we'll get caught?" Demir shrugged cheekily while popping out his lollipop.

"*sigh* And whenever you say that we'd always get caught." Croix narrowed his eyes at him and took his lollipop.

"Hey! ..I was eating that.." He pouted.

"Never mind that, did you bring our money?" Valeria rolled her eyes and asked.

"I did." Croix raised his bag.

"Perfect, now we'll be able to buy mommy a present without her knowing! That ring must be sentimental to her if she'd have to draw it and ogle at it all day." She said.

"She did almost catch you after the day you brought the paper to the ring maker. You took it out of your bag when she was near."

"I know..I need to be more careful."

When they got to school, they waited for their two-hour break time before sneaking out of school through a secret exit they made.

Croix held Valeria's left hand while Demir held her right when they rode an uber to reach the shop which was forty minutes away.

"It's fine, Ria. It won't happen again." Croix assured her.

"We're older and stronger now. Mommy already taught us what to do. " Demir nudged her side and smiled.

"I know.." She sighed.

"Now stop treating me like a baby, I'm the oldest." She snarked.

"Only by twelve minutes." Croix retorted.

"Only by seven." Demir sulked.

"Still older~"

The car finally went to a stop and they paid the kind man before hopping off.

"Stella, we're here!" Valeria announced as she entered the shop.

"Triplets! Welcome, sit down and I'll just get your order."

She went to the back and brought a beautifully designed box and opened it to them.

"Is this what you wanted?" She asked.

"Yes.." They stared at it in awe.

Stella closed it and gave it to them. Croix took out the money and handed it to the cashier.

In total, they spent $1,500 on the ring as it was made of real gold and diamond.

"Now that it's been made, it's actually soo pretty!" Valeria gushed while holding the box as they walk on the sidewalk.

"Be careful, let's put it in the bag for now." Croix then opened his bag.

But before they could place the box in the bag, a man came running towards them and snatched the box away.

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