Taking Care

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-✨Author's POV✨-

The nurse came with the doctor and left, the doctor gave the men a check up to see if everything were fine. Though he may seem calm on the outside, he was actually very nervous. He was treating the hospital's CEO and other very powerful men. The door knocked and the nurse came in.

The same nurse who talked to Henrietta. You can pretty much guess how shits gonna go down.

"Sir's your wife has come to visit."

The men perked up and sat up straight (like fucking puppies, hi again hihi) . They kept a straight face to seem like they didn't care.

"Guys! I was so worried!" Ellerat..*ehem* Ellery came inside the room with tears brimming her cute (ugly, sorry but not really) eyes. 

"Ellery." August assessed.

Ellery went to give August who was the nearest a hug and a kiss on the cheek, quite close to his fucking mouth. That Bitc-

"Ellery, can you please be a doll and leave us for a moment? We would like to talk with the nurse about some concerns." Rhett asked with a smile.

"Oh..sure!" She beamed and left the room. The doctor read the atmosphere and hurriedly left as well. ( A coward, that's for sure 😒 but he be just playing it safe)

"U-um.." The nurse stuttered.

"You said our wife was visiting." Sin said calmly but his eyes were anything but calm.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir. S-she introdu-duced herself as y-your wife." She trembled as she kept her gaze on the floor.

"You work for me and yet you did not know who's the second in charge of the Hospital? Haven't I made that clear to all my branches who is my wife?" August chastised, 

"I- I really am s-sorry sir! U-um.. t-there was a woman! Yes! earlier, there w-was a woman who said she was the wife. S-she had blonde hair and distinct g-green eyes!" The nurse exclaimed hoping it would ease the seven men inside the room.

"And, what did you do?" Niko asked unamused.

"I- um..I- I told her to l-l-leave.." (oOoh she dumbbb)

"Hmm..so you told our wife to leave. I see.." Key stared at this woman as if he was going to murder her there and then.

Suddenly the door bashed open, Ellery rudely interrupted them and waltz in.

"I-I'm sorry for interrupting you it's just that..I really miss you guys a lot and you were taking a lot of time with her." She said with pleading eyes but sent a quick glare at the nurse. She approached sin and caressed his injury. The nurse took it as a chance to escape.

"Ellery, knock next time." Sin sighed harshly.

"A-Are you mad at me?" She looked at him as if she was going to cry. The guys clenched their fists, suppressing the urge to BUST IT UP HER FOCKEN SLUTTY TWO FACED ASS!

"Cap- Sir! I have a report," One of Lessio's subordinates came inside the room rushed and sweaty. He nearly slipped the word that Lessio was the Capo.

"Ellery, would you please go out and not come in while we talk? " Gray asked in a slight curt way. He stared her down in which she go the signal to not disturb them and left fast walking.

*Door closing*

"Chto eto? " Lessio asked the man roughly with a domineering stare.

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