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Like how was planned, tomorrow is the court hearing, and right before we go into that mess, we are in another mess which is the wretched hospital. We were in Doctor Alaras' office, about to see the test results.

I already knew what was going to happen. Ellerat was acting nervous and it didn't help that this was actually August's hospital, which meant everyone knew I'm the wife and the fact that we are waiting for her pregnancy results and his DNA as well as my other husband's were being tested, spoke for itself.

I was in a middle of a messy marriage.

" You are pregnant, Miss Hudson. About a week-long, and it has been tested that they are all the fathers of your child. " He spoke with a smile.

'Lying Bastard, just wait. I'll find you when I'm done.'

Unlike the other world where I was Catalina, it is very much possible here to be impregnated by more than one sperm in one pregnancy. How? it just works that way. Science functions slightly differently in both worlds.

" Congratulations, Ellery. I knew your vagina was well taken care of by my husbands. Don't worry I won't hold the title of wife for long, after all, you like second-hand things am I right? I'll give you a hand-me-down since that is what you love things that were previously owned by me. A copycat, flattering." I smirked.

"Congratulations you guys, I hope you're all happy. We'll meet same time tomorrow and don't be late. I want to settle this tiresome divorce. " I then wore my sunglasses and left with my bodyguards.



I stood in front of the judge as Camilla spoke out. On the other side, adjacent to me, sat my husbands who were all intently staring at me. Despite all the things their lawyer said to defend them and prevent this divorce as it was not a mutual agreement, Camilla still won.

Camilla smiled at me knowing she just won the case and gave me a business hug.

" I hope you the best. " She said sincerely.

" Thank you for everything. " I told her.

I glanced in the direction of my now ex-husbands, and after all the years I've spent being with them, I'd know if they are upset or sad.

What they feel now is beyond that. I can't even begin to explain the faces they have on. Denial? Depression? Regret? Anger? It was a mixture of all of it but the most prominent one..was yearning.

Their eyes spoke for themselves. They were practically begging me to come back...not this time..not yet.

I asked my bodyguard to drive me to the house we shared together. 

They didn't come home, not until it was dead in the night. 

" H-Henrietta? " August croaked as he saw me in the living room.

" I just wanted to talk a few things before I officially leave. " I said through the dimly lit room.

I motioned them to take a seat and they heeded so. I took out a suitcase and it was like deja vu all over again.

" No..not again. " Rhett looked away.

" Listen to me when I'm talking. These are all the things that I'm leaving with you. I can't bring myself to throw it and I do hope you don't throw it away either. "

'Wow, I sound like a real bitch.'

" Open it up when the time is right and'll help the situation a little bit. This divorce is the best for both parties. After all the things we've been through..we need to sort our own lives first."

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