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"First things first, let's not talk in this house," I stated, they were hit with confusion.

"What do you mean? Why?" Sin asked. 

"I'll explain when we get out." 

I got in my car while they got in theirs. They followed me as I guided them to their destination. At the gate, the one who was guarding greeted me.

"Those cars are?" He asked.

"Just let them in, they're my husbands." I said and rolled my window back up. We drove to the underground parking lot. I got out of the car and soon they did so as well.

"Rietta, why the Hernandez's?" Lessio quizzed.

"I owe them an explanation and plus, they're an important part of our past. Remember?" 

They read my expression and just nodded their heads. I tapped in the new code for the door and entered into the living room. 

"¡Niños! ¡Lily! Tenemos que hablar ahora mismo." I yelled out loud. (Boys! Lily! We need to talk right now.)

I heard a round of footsteps and the one to first come down was Lily, "What's up Herman- er..why are they here?" Her face scrunched up.

"Are all of your brothers home?" 


Soon the rest came down as well. They're really siblings, all of them had the same expression when they came down and saw the guys. I asked Vincent if we can all use the basement which he agreed to. 

"I'm sure you are all wondering why I asked and brought you here. I'll cut straight to the point, Reincarnation and Going back in time is real. Call us crazy but me and these 7 blokes have lived more than once." I deadpanned.


"I get you are confused so let me explain, the eight of us have lived and died repeatedly by some murders and other accidents. I lived as Henrietta for 8 times, this is my eighth. I lived as a different person as well before this one but I died early. I was also in a relationship with them there. We didn't know that of course but anyways,"

"Considering that quotient, we are in deep shit. One, someone from our home is letting Ezio Constantino in at night. Ezio was my schoolmate back in Uni when he stopped attending right after the competition. He's part of the French Mafia, the mafia who cause a lot of mess regarding the Spanish mafia."

"Wait, he enters our house?! " Rhett

" What do you mean by 'mess' ? " Lorenzo pondered.

"..*sigh* There's no easier way of saying this so please stay calm...They killed Angelo." The siblings tensed up. Angelo's eyes widen while Vincent's jaw clenches.

"Do you know who killed him?" Elijah pressed.

"Unfortunately, I don't. What I do know is that it happened when he went to Seville, Spain to fix some business with your mafia over there. That is why I am not just telling you to not go anywhere until we catch Ezio but I'm ordering you to. As you can already guess, I'm ages older than any of you lot so I think of you guys as my genuine siblings. Así que no hagas nada estúpido. " (So don't do anything stupid.)

"Henrietta, you haven't explained why Ezio entered the house. You should have told us at least." August complained, he looked at me with worry.

"Do you know the phrase, keep your allies close but your enemies closer? Well, Ezio is our key to locating their hidden base. Back when I was captured by him, I overheard him saying that every Saturday night, around 11:45 they'll have a meeting with their Don. We can take them out there but before that, we need to find who lets him in. It's impossible with our security for him to just sneak in without anyone's help."

"Then..whoever it was is the same person who leaks our plans."

"Exactly, never talk anything about businesses at home. We don't know where have they tapped in there."

They started discussing who it could possibly be, supporting their guesses with possible shreds of evidence while I think about my test results.

' Cobalt poisoning... then whoever it was, serves me food or either prepares my food. The chef was replaced a few months ago and it's impossible for it to progress that much if it's because of just a few months so who is left?. . .No. . .it can't be. . .'

"..It's Wendy." Niko blurted out. We all stare at him, "How do you say it's Wendy?" Gray questioned.

"Because I used to think that she could only converse in English and in Italian. One time I overheard her speaking in french but she made up an excuse that it was because she lived in France for 2 years, which was true but, she was too fluent. We trust Wendy too much since she worked for us ever since I was a child but, that'll only prove why we missed soo many clues."

Clues..did she give me any clues? ...

"Stay safe Madam"

"Ok, Stay safe Madam"

"Have fun, Madam."

..She did. Every time she would say, Stay safe..something would always happen but when she doesn't, nothing happens.

My food, the only way I could have ingested Cobalt is if someone purposely placed them there. 

How..but-..then it'll explain why how the french mafia found where Mr. and Mrs. Valentino were heading before they died, it makes sense. But why would she do that? why stay for such a long period of time just to be a maid? 

"...There's another thing about this, the family of your second-in-command, the D'angeli's are included in this mess. Before we came back to this timeline, before we died, The Spanish mafia and our mafia are enemies with each other. As I said, Angelo dies but the blame was put on the Italian mafia since the D'angeli's were killed." I explained.

"So you mean, it was all just a setup? A ploy to get us to be against each other?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes, on my seventh life, I overheard Fernando laughing about it. Fernando is the head of the Mexican mafia, a sick mother fucker. He killed his own daughter for trying to prevent me from feeling the tortures he was inflicting on my body. I don't know their full story but she always helped me. In all the timelines, she tried to find a way to help me escape."

"Do you know her name?" Luke inquired.




To be Continued . . .

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