Talk about EW!

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Elize or should I say Ellery walked out of the room not before giving Cirillian a flying kiss. Cirillian sighed and went to his desk and sat down. I was going to sneak back out when I felt a buzz on my hip. I looked down and it was blinking red, my eyes traveled back to him and he was pressing a button on his desk.

Wait a second..fuck! The one whom I stole clothes from and who I am currently pretending to be is one of the secretaries of Cirillian, Jamie. I bit my lips and checked my face, I guess..I kinda look like her right now. *sigh* shit.

I rushed to the front of the door and heaved a breath before knocking. 

" Come in. " He said from the inside.

I opened the door and strutted in. I clenched the gun on my waist, preparing if ever he realizes that I'm not Jamie but it'll be hard since Cirillian has got to be one of the most talented shooters I've ever met. He knows how to dodge bullets and even retaliate successfully even when the odds are low.

" Yes, boss? " I asked.

" ...Is there something wrong with your throat? " He narrowed his eyes at me but all I could do was nod my head.

" Hmm..alright. What is the update on the Doctor we prepared for the fake ultrasound results? " He asked.

I took out Jamie's phone and unlocked it, I mean..who puts a 0000 password nowadays??

I checked ger log updates and it was checked, I must say she's very organized since there are also notes here.

" Doctor Alaras has agreed to it and is prepared to print it out at any time. " I said.

'Damn, they even got a doctor and all this shit. He's even a doctor at August's Hospital.'

" Let's go, we have more to discuss at the Anchor Door. " He then stood up. The only thing is, what the fuck is the Anchor Door? Fucking shit man..

"Alright sir, I'll call the driver." Then he nodded his head.

I checked her call log and THANK GOD there's a lable for their driver. I called him up and he said he's already waiting downstairs.

We went inside the tinted window car and he drove away. I knew where Jamie sat and she always sat beside Cirillian.

At this point I'm chanting in my brain, 'Thank God for Sunglasses' I could see through the rear view mirror that they really can't tell with my getup that I'm not Jamie.

When we got down I know realized that Anchor Door was a bar. There were already some of his mafia members waiting for us at the entrance and we were led at the deepest part of the bar.

So it was a hideout..dang. Thanks for the info!

" Boss, something happened with Mr. Constantino. " One of his members reported.

" What is it? "

" All the men in his villa were killed and he was taken by the German mafia. " Cirillian then glowered, his eyes darkened so it ws clear to anyone that he is extremely displeased.

Sorry about that bud, I was the one who actually killed them and flopped your plans but to be honest, I'm not really sorry.


" Change of plans, Elize needs to do her shit tomorrow night. He grumbled.

'Meh, that's enough time for me.'

His second-in-command pulled out his phone and probably dialed Ellerat's number.

" Hello? " She answered.

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