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"So tell me why am I not allowed to go back to the Hernandez's" I raised a brow.

"Because you got hurt why else?" Lessio snapped.

Yeah so they are back to their stupid-annoying-cold selves, their kindness only lasted for five days. The duration of my period to be exact. 

"But that doesn't mean anything. I can well take care of myself and I never made a deal with you."

"If I remember correctly, you said there was no way you would get hurt so it would take a long time before you come back here and that you might rent an apartment somewhere." Niko pointed out.

"...How the fuck do you know??"

"Don't you say fuck to me. Also it's none of your business." He got up and walked away.

I sighed and got up as well and headed out for University. 

. . .

*ring ring*


"Mandy!" An annoying voice I would remember anywhere.

"Lanlan! What's up? Got in trouble with April again??" I laughed.

"What? no! I was going to invite you out to the club tonight. It's April's birthday tomorrow but I'm taking her out then but she also wants to celebrate with all of us so here we are. Remind Lily about it too." 

"Sure, where to?"

"Uh I forgot the name but I'll drive so I'm gonna pick you two up. Ian already got Flo so everything's all set."

"Ok then, see you later!"

Uni was uneventful as always, I told Lily about it and she was excited. I already called Vincent about it and he agreed if Luke joins which was totally fine.

When I got back home it was a miracle that they weren't there. I thought maybe they were a little late but it was already 9:30pm and they weren't so I dressed up without any hassle.

 I thought maybe they were a little late but it was already 9:30pm and they weren't so I dressed up without any hassle

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I grabbed a coat just in case it got too cold. I wore my killer stiletto heels the kind that can and would kill you if I need to. Fashion and self defense item in one.

I tied my hair in a sexy low ponytail and wore three diamond studded rings, why? it was pointed at the end.

Lanlan pulled up infront, Lily, Luke and April were already inside so we headed to the nightclub.

"Where are we going again?" I asked.

"Oh I'm treating us to the best nightclub in the city! It's called Nightblood." April gushed.

I nodded my head, that sounds familiar?

After 35 minutes we finally arrived, I stood infront of the nightclub and my jaw nearly slacked open. This nightclub is owned by Lessio..Well- it's not like they'd be here or something. 

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