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"Get in there, bitch" The man who I knew the name was Chester shoved me in a storage room and tied me up in a chair using duct tape on my hands and feet and a rope on my body.

Kinky much~

He took out my phone and showed it to me, Yes I know what my phone looks like you dumbass, stop showing it to me.

"Call them" Ha! I knew you'd say that.

"Hm? Call who?" I asked. I could totally become an Oscar winning actress.

"Call your husband."

"Its, Husbands, with an S okay?" I said mockingly.

He smacked me hard on the face.

"Call. Them." He commanded as he glowered.

"Fine, dial that number.." I already knew the outcome though..

He dialed Lessio's number.

He picked up and I tried saying something but, " Henrietta? Listen I don't have time for your bullshit right now." He said seriously then hanged up. *sigh*

I looked up at Chester again and he smacked the other side of my face.

He cursed under his breath and left the room with his lackeys. Stupid robbers, if they wanted money they could've called my parents instead!

I checked my surrounding and there was the metal rod I used to beat the two guards up and force break the latch above from outside of the room.

Hehe, I'll be using you to break something else today..

I stayed put but I was loosening up the duct tape on my wrists. He should come back in two hours to just release some of his stress at me then would leave me alone for the rest of the time but come back when its around 11:00 pm

I look at the time, its currently 6:00pm. He~ prepare bastard.


He indeed came back after two hours, and beated me up and took some pictures and sent it using my phone.

"I told you they aren't gonna come, bastard" I laughed and spitted out blood.

"cállate perra!" He yelled and smacked me again.

(Shut up B*tch)

Ok definitely a bruise on my thigh, a couple of fractures on my ribs and a bruise on both my arms. Its starting to swell too. My face has couple of cuts and a bruise on my left cheek.

This what happened last time too.

I trained hard to get revenge on you bastards, I'm soo excited to fuck you and your men up later.

I just kept on singing 'They aren't coming~' the whole time, irritating him



Its showtime baby.

I removed the duct tape on my hands and the one on my mouth, there goes a cut on my lips.

I untied the ropes easily and the duct tape on my ankles. I took the metal rod since they took my karambit.

I casually opened the door and the two men guarding me were caught off guard so I bashed their heads with the rod.

I hit the first guy on his temple so he's either dead or gonna be passed out for a long time. The second guy was a thrust to his chest. I lunged in when I thrusted and his back met the wall behind him.

I then swung it to his jaw and he passed out. I checked both of their pulses, they were alive so I tied them the proper way to the metal posts.

I grabbed their gun and I plan on using it obviously. There should be four more.

I chose the air gun, Fred had. Do I know their names? Pftt Yup, I know many peoples name and yet they don't know me, well not yet anyways.

I walked a bit and Aha! There you are Toby! I've always hated you.

I ran up to him and when he turned around I gave him a turning roundhouse to the side of his head.

He flew and I didn't stop there, I punched him continuously on his gut as he did to me years ago. When I was done I smacked him with the gun on his jaw. He passed out so I tied him up on another metal post.

I went looking for Wilbert, Cid, and Brent. Soon enough, I broke their bones as much as they did to me.

One left, Chester dear~

I slightly opened the door and I listen to his conversation.

"What?! They went to save that other girl?! I thought this bitch was their wife?! ... So they do like that other girl more? Fuck. We didn't even armed our men there!" He cursed and threw his phone.

So the reason why they couldn't save me from a year of torture..was because of Ellery??? And to top it all off they weren't armed?!!

My anger got the best of me so I barged in his office and shot him. I missed some, dammit I need shooting training for this body of mine.

He managed to remove the gun from my hand, he threw a punch to my stomach and I poked his eyes with my nails.

He backed up in pain and I tried to catch my breath since I lost it when he punched my gut. I balanced my self and kicked his femoral nerve.

He stumbled sideways so I kicked him on his spine. I climbed on his back and placed him on a choke hold while repeatedly smacking his face on the floor.

There was a bloody mess on the floor but nothing I never seen before. He passed out from lack of oxygen so I tied him up.

I stood up and noticed I sprained my ankle and it fucking hurts.

I took a good look at myself and saw that my skirt is ripped, my shirt is revealing my bruised stomach and a good amount of cleavage. I heaved a sigh and grabbed his car keys.

I drove back to the house, there were multiple black cars parking up in the front. When I parked the car, they pointed their guns towards the car I was in but when I was the one who stepped out, they were shocked.

Their madam looking like a hot mess well I am hot though.

I harshly opened the door and looky here, Ellery sitting on the living room all clean and proper without a single scratch on her.

My husbands were all standing up and Alessio holding his phone, everyone shocked to see me. See me alive? Is that it?

I laughed, and laughed and when I calmed down I stared at them full of anger.

"So, the important thing you had to deal with was this one?" I pointed at Ellery who seemed to cower in fear and hid behind Gray.

"She was kidnapped too, Henrietta" Niko tried to explain.

"Yeah? Does she look like me?" I gestured to how I look like. He stayed silent.

"And you, Not only did you hanged up my call, You ignored the pictures sent?! What purpose is my number on your fucking phone?! Might as well fucking delete it then!" I yelled.

"Here, go to xxx. Those stupid Extortionists are still alive. If they wanted money they should have called my parents and not you heartless jerks . " I threw Sin, Chester's car keys.

"Wendy, could you get me some ice and an emergency aid kit? "I asked politely with a smile.

"Of course madam!"

To be Continued . . .

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