The Note

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I sat down at a cafe in Canada, watching the news about the death of Heralynn, the famous model that died in a helicopter freak accident.

That person is me.

I wore a blonde wig when I entered the helicopter, hiding my already silvery black dyed hair. The plan went successfully. Right before dawn broke, Vincent told me that Fernando did in fact place two assassins to kill me on my ride to Romania.

The first phase of our plan was checked off with that since the idiot was lured in.

One of the assassins was the pilot and the other was a traitor in the Spanish mafia who was supposed to be my female bodyguard going there.

Of course, I had another bodyguard with me that was also from the Spanish mafia but the woman didn't know that. When we had to pass the thick forest, before the two could even act, I and my bodyguard pulled out our guns.

I shot the woman from beside me while my bodyguard shot the pilot and immediately took over.

Since we still had to be on the radar as Fernando and Cirillian were monitoring the movement, there was already another helicopter ready for me to transfer to.

When the lines were attached, I managed to somewhat zip line to the other helicopter. To show that I was dead there was a dummy human that was taken from the underground market in China. Elijah had connections there and this human dummy had everything a human has.

It was a replica of me and if this dummy was alive, no one would question it. The worse thing is that it was real human skin, so I decided not to ask for all the details.

It was injected with my own blood took a month to gather and I even had to chop off half of my hair and I was now left with a bob cut. In the fire, as we already tested, the police will identify this body as me.

I..slipped in the promise ring they gave me. I can't let go of the engagement ring or the wedding ring but, this can go.

After placing the dummy human and one of the dead trespassers they caught, there goes the helicopter.

From a distance, I saw it burn.

Sometimes I thought if I really needed to do all of this. and my answer will always come out as yes.

Fernando will not stop to try to kill me whether or not I'm their wife or not. Cirillian will find a way to kidnap me to make me his whether I'm their wife or not.

If I were to divorce them in the guise that they impregnated Ellery because they love her, Fernando would think that he got them within his palm. Cirillian would also lower his guard on them thinking they fell under Fernando's plan and he would think everything is going his way.

With me dead, they won't target my friends or family. They will be much easier to manipulate. That was the only thing that didn't happen in all the other lifetimes, me dying from the get-go without being kidnapped. Now everything will be going exactly how I envisioned it.

The best part here, Is that it is going exactly how I planned.

Two weeks passed and I got a report from Angelo that Fernando has removed his men from the guys' mansion and that Ellery has finally moved in with them. Cirillian is making more plans on how to manipulate Fernando and trap him where he wants it and much more news that was pleasing to hear.

But with every good news, there were bad ones.

My family was not coping well with my death and my sister developed depression. She was getting proper treatment while my older brother was trying his best to be on top of the family amist the situation since my parents were not well either.

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