Last Words

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-Third Person's POV-

"Oh? What is this? What is this thingy inside the letter? Sarah, do you know what this is?"

"It must be one of dad's letters for his patients, just put it in the mail with the rest of the letters so they would be sent." She said without bothering to look and continued with playing on her game.

The six year old child listened to his sister and placed it on the mailbox.

"Why are people so old fashioned? Emails exist for a reason..." He pouted and walked back in

After a while, the father finally arrived home after a late night shift.

"Good evening, Mr. Tremblay. I would be heading home now." The housekeeper bid and left.

"Daddy! Daddy! I sent all of the letters you told sister to do." The child spoke proudly.

"Very good but it was your sister who I asked to do it, next time don't let her boss you around ok?" He smiled and patted his head.

"Mhm, ok! They had pretty cool names too. One was named Trasinda, Keisha, the other was Drewayne, and my favorite one was Henrietta!"

"...Wait, did you just say..Henrietta?" He asked.

"Yes, why?"

"...Which box did you take the letters from?"

"The brown one."

"Not the blue?"


Tremblay then rushed to his office and searched.

"Oh no.."

He then looled for the contact number but it just said that the number was unavailable.

He decided to visit her house but only to see that there was someone else renting the apartment.

"Do you perhaps know where she lives now?"

"I'm afraid not.."

"...Oh, fuck."

. . .

"F-fuck you..." Ellery croaked as the chains clinked around her.

Sin threw half molded food on the floor and pressed down her face on the bowl.

He then stood over Fernando's body that was slowly deteriorating and left but not before kicking him in the stomach.

*door closes*

"You were in there for just an hour and you already stink this much?" August looked at him, disgusted and sparayed him with alcohol.

"Ah, Lessio, how was your time with tough guy?" Sin smirked, referring to Cirillian while ignoring August.

"Boring." He wiped his bloody hands with a disinfectant wipe.

"Well, I thought it was fun." Gray countered with a blood stain on his cheek.

"Did he hurt you?" Key asked, his eyebrows scrunched in a frown.

" It's not my blood. " Gray shrugged.

" The food is ready, you nasty dumbasses." Niko walked in to tell them.

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