Or should I say-

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So in a nutshell this is what happened,

Cirillian and Julieta love each other but Julieta had to marry Fernando for the mafia business agreement. Julieta was conceiving Cirillian's child aka Lucia during her honeymoon with Fernando.

Prior to the wedding, Cirillian's sister, Nora had a one-night stand with Fernando and she conceived his child, aka Elize.

Nora demanded Fernando leave Julieta and take responsibility for her child but he murdered her instead. The baby, Elize survived the incident.

Julieta gave birth to Cirillian's daughter without Fernando knowing Lucia wasn't his. One night Lucia disappeared when she was a baby and Cirillian gave her back with Elize with her. Fernando accepted both of them but favored Elize more.

Cirillian was protecting the safe not for his businesses but since he was planning revenge against Fernando and he didn't want him to find out that he knows that Fernando knew he was in a relationship with Julieta and his plans on getting rid of Fernando as there was a traitor and automatically programmed his safe when it self-destructs to pass the information to Fernando.

- - -

"I'm doing it. " I said. Lucia stared at me in shock then blathered, " What? but shouldn't you talk to them first? It's too risky to just go in without prior planning-"

" If I tell them then they wouldn't let me go. You already know what we should do, Lucia."

" Wait, what are you guys talking about? " Vincent asked in complete confusion.

" ...Fine, I'll explain stay behind to explain. There's a hidden entrance at the back that goes to the employee's room. I have a wig there that you could use, it's in the fifth cabinet on the second row. " She said then pursed her lips.

I nodded my head and got back into Ezio's car.

You might be confused as to what we are talking about. Lucia further explained to me that tonight is one of the most important times to gather information about their next plan. Not just Cirillian's but Fernando's.

Cirillian already knows what Fernando's next plan is because that is precisely why he's using Elize. Elize thinks that her father is Cirillian but she is clueless that she is helping in the revenge on her own father.

Before she didn't get bashed in the head by a vase but she attended the party with Elize and Fernando. It was a party with all the affiliated mafia and this time, Ezio wouldn't take part in it since..well, he's near death.

So I will be attending that party, as an employee. 

Lucia was going to be the one to go there but she remembered that Fernando's second-in-command will check up on her in three hours. It will not give her enough time if that was the case.

That is why I will be going there instead.

I parked the car far from the actual parking lot and walked my way to the spot Lucia explained. I managed to enter as quickly as she described it and hid my features behind an obnoxiously large pair of glasses, make-up, and a wig.

When I walked out of the employee's room, I noticed that it was actually a masquerade ball. How fifty shades of grey-esk.

I followed the flow, just serving the guests with a silver platter of deserts and trying my best to find that bastard. Which didn't take more than fifteen minutes as his disgusting goat-like laugh echoed in the place.

"It seems like that stupid youngster will not be coming today." He laughed and beside him was a brunette woman. I think she might be Elize as she perfectly fits what Lucia describes her as. Then there in front of him is another sick bastard, Cirillain.

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