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What is he thinking?! Isn't he

"Luke" I whispered and he faced me.

"What are you saying??" I asked.

"Shh, I'll explain later." Tch, don't shush me -_-

"You? You're her boyfriend?" Jace raised his eyebrow.

"Are you deaf?"

"What the fuck? No." He gritted his teeth.

"Then why are you asking? I already said that didn't I?" Luke said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and escorted me to the car.

I was just shocked.

"Hihihihihi" Lily just giggled inside the car while looking at me and Luke.

It took an hour before we reached their house. By house, I meant mansion.

"Woah, this house is huge." I said at awe.

"Hihi, I said the same thing when I first got here." Lily said as she wrapped her hands at my arm. She told me the other day if I could be her bestfriend/older sister figure. I obviously agreed.

I got down of the car and we walked inside. There were security by the doors. They didn't look like normal security though, too rough looking.

"Where are your brothers?" I asked Luke.

"Ah, they're probably at their offices." He said.

Lily plopped down at the sofa then I had the sudden urge to use the toilet.

"Luke, where's the toilet?"

"It's downstairs, turn left then a right afterwards you'd face three hallways. Go to the left one. Got it?" He said as he bring our bags inside.

"Yeah, thanks!"

"Ah!  don't go to the left one ok?" He shouted.

"Yeah got it!" Go to the left one, ok!

I followed his instructions and reached the left hallway. I continued on walking till I reached an odd looking door. I opened the door and a toilet wasn't the one that greeted me.

"The Irish mafia wants to form a contract with us...." One said but soon stopped as they all stared at me.

"Oh, ah..toilet?"

"What did you hear?" One of them got up and stood infront of me, glaring.

"Irish mafia, contract, you" I deadpanned.

"Pfft-" the other guy laughed.

"You've got guts don't you?" He cocked an eyebrow.

Eh, it's more like I see you guys as boys and almost nothing really scares me. Anyways, sooo

"Piece of advice, don't do it." I patted his shoulder.

"What do you know about it, Heralynn Walker?" Another asked.

"First, my real name is Henrietta Spade..err Knight. Second, I know many things." I smirked.

They narrowed their eyes at me, they probably think I'm a threat, I mean who wouldn't?

"Chill, I'm not a threat. Here let me tell you a little something. The toilet can wait." I sat down in the middle and crossed my legs.

"You should have heard about the name, Frank Bardot?" I asked, obviously they should know, he works for them.

They were slightly startled but nodded. Oh you little boys, its fine~.

"Well he isn't a loyal dog of yours. He works for Cillian Byrne." I stated. I managed to connect the dots during my free times. It made so much more sense why the spanish mafia hates the Italian mafia so much.

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