Drop it at their heads.

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"Make use of the gifts God gave you. So figure out what's yours. I'll show you how to play your cards right." I winked.

I lead her to the door beside the stairwell and I got a coin and smacked it hard to the metal railing.

I heard one of the men upstairs said he was gonna check it. I pinched my self so hard I think it bruised and tears started to fall from my eyes.

The dude came down and saw me.

"Oh, so look who escaped. Come here baby, Daddy's gonna take care of you." Hahahaha Ew. -_-

He leaned against me so I took that chance to pinch his artery. He fainted and I whispered onto his ear, "Fix that face of yours first, ok?" I patted his head and stripped him off of his valuables.

"Ok lets see what we can work with here. Lily, this is a flash bomb you use it to blind people for a couple of seconds, this is pepper spray, a rifle, baton, Oh! belts are a nice way to tie people up like this." I tied the guy up in a metal pole like I did before.

"Ok Lily come here, position yourself over ...right there. Just wait." The footsteps of the other guy came nearer and nearer and perfect.

"Swing it now!"

She swung the baton like a baseball bat right on his temple and he went out like a light bulb.

"I did it Rietta!" She squealed happily.

"Yes, yes you did." I smiled, proud.

"Lily, wanna use one of the flash bomb?"

"Do I?!" She gave me a smug look, ah..she's learning well.

The last dude is inside the office, I handed Lily the flash bomb and she threw it in and immediately closes the door.

"Ah!" I can hear the guy scream.

I opened the door and shot his legs. Lily went in a grabbed his gun from him and smacked his head with the end of the gun.

"Is he out?" She asked.

"You see their eyes? When its slightly opened like that it means they've passed out but if its completely shut, they're not."


I went through his desk and found the sensor, the easy way to destroy the sensor is to just soak it in water. So I went to the toilet and flushed it down not before shooting it a few times with Lily. 

It was fun ok.

Now that was done we were just walking around till we heard gunshots.

I looked over to see Jonathan, Luke, Four other men who I think are Lily's brothers and dear Lord my husbands...

"My brothers are there!" She shook me excitedly.

"Yeah and it looks like they're being threatened." I added.

"W-what should we do???"

"Remember the revenge I was talking about earlier?" I smiled.


"Well right now would be the best time to do it."

"Lily, falling down from this height would be fine, If you have a cushion. In our case a human cushion." I pointed at Alien Leech.

"You see those bomb casings? If you drop it from where we are it can hit it hard enough to make them pass out..wanna try?"


I can hear Scar neck and Alien Leech's wonderful speech.

"You think you can shoot us? Hahahaha! With one press of this button everything here will explode. The first room to explode would be where those two women are. Try me." He smirked.

The men downstairs jaws clenched so hard it looked cool.

"Blondie tasted delicious by the w-" Oops there goes the bomb casing hehe .

"What the fuck?!" Scar neck yelled

Another bomb casing fell at Scar neck by Lily but it didn't hit him as hard.

"Don't worry Lily, I'll give you your chance. Just a sec." I stood up and jumped.

I landed at Alien Leech and I definitely broken some bones. Everyone was caught off guard so I took advantage of it and kicked Scar neck by the jaw. He stumbled backwards and Lily took it as an opportunity and used him as a cushion as well.

"Oops, I think I broke some of his bones.." She looked at me.

"Excellent." I smiled.

"Close your eyes!" I yelled at the men in front of me and threw the second flash bomb behind me where the other ten kidnapper were.

Me and Lily ran towards where the guys were and hid behind them. Shots were fired. I told Lily to not look behind her.

When everything cleared up all eyes were on us.

"Are you okay Lily?!" I think her eldest brother asked her as he hugged her tightly. I wanted to listen some more when I too was pulled into an embrace.

"Don't go jumping down buildings like that." Rhett's arms were shaking a bit.

"Oh come one, it wasn't that bad." I laughed as I patted his back. I mean it was just a couple of stories, not that big of a deal. I had to jump from much higher than that when I was part of that.

He took a step back and they finally saw my shirt. Their eyes darkened in a way I never thought could.

"Who did that to you? Кто этот ублюдок ?!" Lessio asked in the lowest voice I ever heard him.

(Who's the fucker?!*)

Lily piped in, "ALIEN LEECH DID!"

I laughed an nodded, "The one I landed on earlier..why?" I asked.

Key approached me and licked his finger then rubbed it on the hickey. I don't know if he thought it could be erased which is stupid but when he realized it really was a hickey he got even more pissed.

He took out his gun and gave it to Niko who knew exactly what to do. He shot Alien Leech square on the dick.

oOoh That's gotta hurt. Nice.

Sin removed his coat and made me wear it.

"Does anything hurt?" Gray asked with worry while he dusted off my clothes.

"My scalp kinda does, they keep yanking my hair earlier." I rubbed a sore part of my head, oh that does sting.

"I'll give you a check up later" August said as he patted my hair.

"Rietta!" Luke and Johnny yelled my name.

"Guys!" I came in for a hug but was pulled back into Rhett's arms.

"No." He said in a low but almost a whisper voice. I rolled my eyes at his idiocy. Not Ellery, remember?

"Thank God you're fine." Luke sighed in relief.

"Well I had a good student with me after all." I winked at Lily who winked back.

"Who are they, Rietta?" Lily asked.

"Oh, uhh my..frie-"

"Husbands. We're Rietta's Husbands." Gray said.

I looked at him shocked, why would he introduce them as my husbands?? We're going to get a divorce anyways in a year. There's some good looking men here so let me have my chance!

"Oh husbands..wait what?! Rietta, you're married?!!" She yelled shocked.

To be Continued . . .

I didn't had a good day at class today so I thought I'd update to at least make someone else feel happy :)

Acid Reflux suckss

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