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"Next the representative of Hilford University! Ezio Constantino and Heralynn Walker!!" After he announced that loud cheers boomed the entire venue.

I walked out in my very casual outfit.

I paired it with a Louis Vuitton belt and shoes

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I paired it with a Louis Vuitton belt and shoes.

I came out from the right side while Ezio came out from the left. We met on the center and walked the runway.

In every piece of clothing we were pairing with each other like a couple.

He called up one more university then afterwards we were to pose with our partners. He was behind me, my arms were at a crisscross, my left hand held his right and my right hand held his left. I was leaning against his body.

-Third Person's/Author's POV-

All the men could do was watch their wife being held by another mans arms. They already figured out that obviously she would've been chose, given her position as a famous model.

But they couldn't help but turn green in envy.

(A/n: mwahahahahaha, do I care? He~ nope.)

They were called back to back stage for a second outfit change.

"Now, for the Sports Outfit!!"

One by one of the representatives came out.

"Oakwood University!"

Ellery came out wearing a cheerleader's outfit. Her partner was wearing a Quarterback uniform. He was the ace of their team.

She held him with her quite intimately and stole a glance at the guys. To her misunderstanding, she thought they were jealous seeing her with another man which boosted her confidence.

"Hilford University!"

The music changed, and Ezio came out first holding both a ball and a bat. He threw the ball up in the air and came out Heralynn to catch it.

She gave him a bright smile and walked hand in hand with him. After the other University rep came out they had to display their skills.

Ellery gave out a cheer dance while her partner did some movements. She looked up to the men and they just clapped and gave a small smile.

When the next team came up, they had to move outside, the camera was pointed at them so the screen showed what they were doing.

Heralynn did a check and sent a signal to the catcher then the windup.

When she threw the ball, Ezio managed to hit the ball and showed a home run

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When she threw the ball, Ezio managed to hit the ball and showed a home run.

She ran up to him and gave each other a high five.

"An amazing display for the team Hilford! It shows they are just not about the looks but they also have the skills!" The host cheered.

after the last representative show cased their sports outfit, it was time for the dance performance for the first two Universities.

When it was Ellery's turn she performed a dance with Herbert senorita hoping to get a reaction from the men who are ALREADY fucking  MARRIED!. That's why she volunteered in the first place.

(A/n: Don't Worry I'm cHiLE also the dance is pretty cute tbh)

"Excuse me, are Hilford representatives also performing a dance?" August asked one of the professors.

"OH MY GOD! I-It's Mr. Creed in the flesh! Oh sorry, u-um..yes they will." The female teacher suddenly turned frail looking. Tch

"T-Thank you for that, you may leave now." He bit his tongue back in order not to curse infront of the professor.

"B-but..may I ask for your number? would you like to have dinner sometime." She tried to shoot her shot.

"No. Also, I'm married." He didn't even looked at her.

"O-oh sorry." She then ran away and left.

"Fucking shit, she's also going to perform a dance with that bastard." He glared at the stage.

"Here are the shot's taken from Oakwood University!"

It showed 5 intimate and close photos of her with Herbert enjoying each other's company

"And here is our stolen shot, tell me what's behind this photo?" The man asked, the photo was about Ellery tripping and Herbert catching her.

"Oh that, *giggle* I actually tripped from the heels. Herbert had such quick reflexes and managed to catch me on time." She tucked her hair back her ear.

'Shoulda let her fall' Heralynn thought as she stood back stage in her dance clothes.

"Moving on to our next performers, Hilford University!" When he announced this, the previous representatives had to go back backstage to change into their swimsuits.

Heralynn came out hand in hand with Ezio, she was wearing a white tube top paired with black high waisted shorts.

"Какого хрена она носит такой откровенный наряд ??? " Lessio said through gritted teeth, a vein in his forehead showed through.

(Why the fuck is she wearing such a revealing outfit???)

(A/n: That's revealing to you? Pfft- Just wait later.)

"Are they fucking sure that's a dance? They're dry humping for Fuck's sake!" Gray scowled 

" Isn't he just using this performance to grind on her. " Sin peeved, seemingly calm but hiding a sour expression.

Le ha appena schiaffeggiato il culo! " Niko stood up aggressively. 

(He just slapped her fucking ass!)

(A/n: Well she does have a fine ass, who wouldn't?)

As the ending neared they face each other and started to come close as if they were making out. It took everything in them just to not take out their gun and start shooting. They are used to having things go their way and anything unpleasant to them, they just dispose of it. But this, this was testing their patience. Provoking them almost, to make a move.

"A-An amazing performance from Hilford University! Now we will show the 5 photo's they have here to present."

To be Continued . . .

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