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I waved at the cameras with a smile plastered on my face, beat that mother fuckers. Think you could sabotage this stupid event again? HAH! 

In the corner of my eyes, I can see Ellerat with a complicated look on her face. Hmm..why though? It's not like she'd be affected by it. But an imposing figure that was standing right across me with a very wonderful expression on his face is a sight to see.

Niko's eyes were boring through my skin as I ignored them and continued doing my job. I'm working, I was by the cars even endorsing them to the guests telling them the benefits of buying a Valentino car.

"Hi, girl~" Flo winked at me. She was endorsing another car company.

"You were fricking good out there, If I could have taken a video then I would have." She said since she was also inside a car as I was.

"*giggle* Thanks~ also, is Ian here? I doubt lover boy would ever leave you alone." I shook my head in amusement.

"Of course he's here, just somewhere taking my photos from different angles."

"Right here, sweetie." Julian popped out of nowhere and hugged her from behind.

"Jesus, you trying to give me a heart attack?! But I'm glad your here." She kissed him

"Alright, rub your relationship on my face would ya?" I playfully rolled my eyes. 

" *cough cough cough*

"Are you alright? You sick or something? I've got some cough drops at the back?" Flo worried. 

"Nah I'm good, It's just allergies." I waved off.

Then there was a group of men that asked for my photo. I slipped away and went back to work.

The majority of the ones that took pictures with me were businessmen who were interested in cars and some that were more interested in me. I just played dumb and pretended to not get their advances.

"Miss Walker, could you kiss me on my cheek as we take a photo?" A famous businessman asked, I agreed since it would help Niko's business and a kiss on the cheek is nothing.

I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed but hid it with a hearty laugh. 

"Miss Walker, the CEO would like to talk with you." My manager approached me, I left and followed her inside the building to a private VIP room.

She knocked twice before letting me go in on my own.

I walked in and I sat down on the couch.

"Are you just going to sit there?" Niko arched an eyebrow at me.

"..yup, pretty much." I lazed around, crossing my legs. August removed his blazer and draped it in front of me.

"*sigh* How come you never told us that you were coming here? You're not supposed to even go out of the house." Niko argued.

"Well, I had work," I said as a matter of fact-ly.

Then there was a moment of silence.

"Thank you, but please next time tell us. We don't want to see you get hurt." Niko sighed. My head instantly whipped in their direction.

"Who are you and what have you done to my husband???" I narrowed my eyes at him and Rhett snorted.

"Also refrain from kissing anybody, please? You don't have to." Key said.

I stood up and walked to the door, "Of course, I'd kiss them, it's for work plus it's just on the cheek. What harm is done? Tata~" I winked and left the room.

I went back out and continued where I left off but this time, Ellerat was also out. She was dressed up beautifully if I were, to be honest. She was also helping in endorsing Valentino. 

"Flo, what's the next part of the event?" I asked, I wasn't well informed about the schedule.

"Each brand CEO's will pick their model who will be their partner to the dinner party later. I'm already unavailable since Ian already asked his uncle to excuse me during selection." She smiled proudly.

"Lucky bitch." I joked and she shrugged.

"So is it just our brand whom we endorse for or any brand CEO can pick any model they want?" 

"The second one." 

*sigh* I just hope if I do get picked, it won't be a disgusting creep. I already have Ezio to worry about, I don't need another disgusting creep in my life.

Then it finally began, I can see Niko walking in my direction. It could be for Ellery since she's just across me. 

"Miss Walker, be my partner." Mr. Debitson was quite the guy earlier. When he asked for my photo, was he not only disrespectful but his hands keeps on wondering where it shouldn't be.

"There are many more beautiful models out there Mr. Debitson," I said as an excuse.

"Ah but I want you to be my partner." He smirked.

"..But I honestly don't." I truthfully said.

"Heralynn!" My managed whisper yelled.

"What?" He said in an offended tone.

"I mean I will be your partner but do I want to? Not really." I shrugged.

He clicked his tongue and grabbed my waist, I wore a fake smile and continued walking with him. 

"Mr. Debitson, can I have some of your time?" Niko approached us from behind and harshly pulled him away from me to a corner. He then whispered something to his ear and came back for me.

He then dusted my waist and places his hand there instead, "Let's go."

"What did you say?" I wondered.

"Oh, just a few things."  Well, he is better than Mr. Harassment. 

I looked back to where Ellery was and she was being appeased by Gray. 

"Why didn't you go with Ellery? I would have been fine. No one knows I'm your wife anyways."

"It's exactly why." He didn't explain further.

We went inside the ball (?) room where the dinner party was being held at. I was right beside him as he talked to other Businessmen about work, in which case didn't interest me as much. 

"Rietta." I glared at Niko.

"The name is Heralynn, so what is it?"

"Kiss me." He put on a sly smile.

"What? Why??" 

"You said a kiss on the cheek wouldn't hurt anybody. So kiss me." 

"I- I said it's only for pictures though." 

"Alright then." He pulled out his phone, called for a waiter to take the shot.

"Is this good enough?

I can feel my jaw dropping but I persevered. With a sigh, I turn my face to him to give him a kiss on the cheek but just when I was going to, he faced my way and it ended up being a kiss on the lips. 


"..You planned that, didn't you?" 

"Mhm.." He got back his phone and tucked it back in his pocket.

"You sly mother fuc-"

To be Continued . . . . 

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