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"..Thanks" I said without looking at them and proceeded back to the bed and wrapped myself with the blankets. 

It tires me to remember that today is only my first day and it hurts even more on the third day. Whoever doesn't have period cramps, you are God's favorite.

I can feel my stomach grumble, I

"Where are you going?" Sin asked as he enter the room.

"Food." Is all I said then I passed by him, the blanket still wrapped around my body. Rhett, August and Key were in the kitchen but I ignored them and went through the fridge.

I felt hands on the back of my knees then I'm in the air, being carried.

"Wha- What are you doing?!" I snapped at Sin, he lifted me up to the dining table. Sitting me down on the cushioned chair. Lessio then placed a bowl of chocolate brownie ice cream and hamburger buns.

I just know my eyes are twinkling right now but I faced Key and gave him a questioning look. 

"How did you know that I wanted to eat ice cream inside of burger buns??" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh um- your friend, that Hernandez girl. I asked her what did you like to eat during your period." He replied.

I nodded my head in understanding, I grabbed a spoon and stuffed the bun with ice cream. I sat there happily eating, unbothered by the stares the guys were giving me.

*ding dong*

No one stood up to get it.

*ding dong*

*ding dong*

*ding dong*

I heard Wendy rushing towards the front door. "U-um, I'm sorry but can you please leave? The sir's aren't here toda-"

"Don't lie to me, I know they're here." The annoying voice of Ellery complained. I just kept on eating but then I can tell they are tense and are really boring their eyes at me now.

Wendy was trying her best to get Ellery out but she was persistent. August was right across me and had a complicated look on his face, hesitant whether they should get up.


I stood up, bringing the leftover chocolate ice cream with me as I walked towards the door, I can see Ellery and she smiled at me.

"Henrietta! could you get her to let me in. The guys promised me that they would leave this day for me." She cheerily said as she waved her hands at me.

"Pfft- You have a pretty thick face don't you? Or are you just stupid? *gasp* Oh wait I know, you're both." I laughed while eating a spoonful of ice cream.


"You think you can just show up and ask me, their legal wife, to let the mistress, you, in so that you could date my husbands? Listen Ellerat, I'm not gonna let you trample all over me at my own house."

"This isn't even your-" I cut her off by raising my hand.

"Shhh, ..As long as they are my husbands and as long as I'm their wife, what is theirs...Is mine. Not to mention the legal documents stating that too. So, I can legally sue you for trespassing." I smiled, mockingly.

"Anyways, if they didn't pick up your calls or respond to your messages, it isn't any of my problem really nor do I give a shit. But if you really wanted to know," I leaned in closer to her.

"They are definitely not with you." I nodded my head while talking and a smirk creeped up my face. Tears started welling in her eyes, I can see that she must have spotted Rhett peeking in the corner.

"I would love to see you cry more but alas, my time is gold and my favorite show will be aired in 5 minutes.  Wendy take the rat out. Tata~" I ate another spoonful and turn my back on her while waving the spoon.

"Wait no! They promised! Henrie-"

I walked back in the kitchen since I left my blanket there. 

"Wipe the grins off your faces, it's ugly." Totally lied but who cares?

Before I could grab my blankets, Rhett wrapped it on me instead and hugged me from the behind. I turned around and hugged him back a little more tighter but then I remembered I was mad at them  so I pushed him afterwards and stomped on his foot, digging my heel.

I was going to go back to any of my husbands room just so I can mess up their bed but I wanted to drink something so I made a U turn and poked my head out.

"Can I please have a coffee shake? 80% cream and 20% coffee with salted caramel on top, thank you~" Then I decided to go to Lessio's room and hang out there.

I don't know if they know that if they told me to leave their room that I'd stuff shrimp somewhere  where they can't find so that it would stink up their room but they weren't so I'm just sinking in Lessio's duvet.

When night came in I went back to my room.

*knock knock*

"Rietta, I need to clean your wound." August came in with his kit, Sin following behind him.

I sat up and zipped down my onesie from the front. I immediately zipped it back up though when the fact I wasn't wearing a bra popped in my head.

"Uhm..I kinda need a bra so could you two turn around first?" I asked and they nodded their head.

I grabbed a sports bra but then I couldn't lift my arms above me because it lifted the stitches and it hurts like a bitch. 

I glared at my bra collection, I picked a plain black clip on bra and sucked in a breath.

"Yeah um, I need some help with my bra..You guys can turn around but I can't lift my arms anymore than an 80 degree angle so could you slip in the straps then clip it on?"

I had my back turned against them and hesitant footsteps came near me, it was Sin.

"I presume you know how to clip on a bra right?" I mean if he can take it off like what he did with Ellerat when I read that book then he better know how to clip it on.

(A/n: The misunderstanding is satisfying (─‿─) )

He slipped in one strap on, I helped him with the other by bending my arm for easier access. I pulled down my bra to get under my boobs. 

"There's three options there to clip on, clip it on the last one."

After he did, he released a silent sigh of relief. When I turned back around, their eyes dropped to the stab wound.

August was really gentle with cleaning it up. I thanked him sincerely, after a while I ate and went to prepare for bed, Rhett was in my room with me with reasons God knows why. I tried my best not to groan  because my lower abdomen was cramping up.

I felt his hands move and wrapped around, enveloping it with warmth and soothing the pain. I didn't say anything and let him do so. It's a free heating pad, why complain?

"Good night, Liebling."

To be Continued . . .

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