A Burritos' comeback

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^^^ I do not own any of the photos.

"They're about to leave, let's head there first. Which hotel was it?"

Angelo dropped me off at the next room in a hotel that Ellerat booked. I was right beside the said room.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you?" He worried.

"Yeah, I can definitely help out. This time around, I actually worked up some muscles." Lucia said proudly.

"Don't worry both of you, if there's anything I can do, I can definitely beat up a walking waste of oxygen." I smiled and patted both of their backs.

They hurriedly left the hotel to avoid encountering my husband. I opened the vent on top of the bathroom since Angelo already did a full building scaling on its structure. I can pass through the vent here and come out on the other.

Jonathan, that cute kid who I deemed my future brother-in-law already shutter down all of the security cameras prior to my arrival. I climbed the vent and just as planned, I got down from the next room's bathroom. I erased any of my tracks, I even have gloves to boot. 

I hid right underneath the bed, I felt like a spy of some sort. This must be what my friend, Everline felt when she was sent to the military though I can never compare to her. She's on a totally different level but in her case, it came with a price. 

I can't help but feel sorry about her...she never wanted to be the heir of such a huge responsibility. It was more than what I, as a doctor have to go through, and I already have someone's life on my hands but she...*sigh*..there was this good piece of advice she gave me..right before we graduated.

"An eye for an eye and A tooth for a tooth is false. If they take your eye, then leave them permanently blind. If they take your tooth, then make sure they never get to eat again. Catalina, darling, ...I don't plan on getting even, I plan on inflicting the worse." 

Wise words came out of a woman who was much younger than me but somehow managed to graduate at the same time as I did. She was 21 and I was 27, I just graduated and she was already running a company. A spectacular woman that is one in a million, whoever manages to marry her, good luck is all I can say.

Back to the present, Ellerat was nearing the master bedroom. I can hear their footsteps nearing when I received a message from Lily.

"Hermana, Johnny wanted me to tell you that the drug Ellerat used was an ATTC drug, it can basically make the host hallucinate, weaken, and go into a drunk-like state while experiencing ecstasy. They will have the urge to..do it..and will have no recollection when the drug wears off." was what she typed.

I see, an ATTC drug is one of the most illegal drugs in this world. It was first posed as something to help with depression but obviously took a different turn. It was just like that one drug that was also highly illegal when I was still Catalina.

I could not make out any of the things my husbands were saying. If there was one thing Ellery did not take into account is that they are extremely childish when drunk.

A red lacy bra fell in front of my face. Damn, she was quick. I flicked it away from me while I could hear the clinking of belts being removed and zippers being unzipped.

"Noo~ Get the fuck away from me~~ ..Where's our wife..." I could hear Sin whine. 

My eyes widen as I could physically hear Ellery stop and scrunch her eyebrows at him. She was unsteady and was probably thinking if she was hearing things. It was because of the drug I used on her.

Before any of those idiots expose themselves any further. I crept out of the bed and knocked her out.

"*gasp* Wife!" Key pounced on me and wrapped his hands around my waist. I can see all of their eyes lit up with glee.

Gee, the effects of that drug did a number on them.

I patted his hands and told them to stay on the bed while I took care of things. 

"Can you be Good husbands and stay here for a while?" I asked.

" Mmm..why can't we just go with you?" Niko whined.


"...Ok." They pouted.

I called Angelo and told him that I needed Ellery to have incredible hickeys on her body while she's knocked out and also to be careful since she's pregnant and it's not the baby's fault his mother is sick in the head.

I held back the urge to kick her in the face but I remembered that Revenge is sweeter when savored so I stopped. I dragged her body into the living room so that Angelo could take her. I did, of course, tied her up.

While adjusting my gloves as I finished placing her down, I felt two pairs of hands on me, I checked to see Lessio and Rhett staring at me.

"Honey, what did I just say? Please stay over there until I am done." I told both of them but they shook their heads.

"..please?" I begged while batting my lashes. It worked like a charm as always and they dragged their feet back to the room.

I could see Angelo from afar and I told him to just leave her inside the room we booked. He said that he can handle the rest and I could see a few men behind him, I don't know who they are but they seemed like ruffians and others like gigolos.

"Fine, but make sure nothing funny happens to the baby, I might despise her but I'm not a monster that will stoop down on her level," I told him before heading back inside the room.

When I stepped in, August grabbed my hand and brought me to the bedroom. 

'Oh dear, I forgot the other side effects.' I thought.

"Wife...remember you said something about burritos?" He trailed while looking up at me with a blush.

"...Burritos?" I questioned.

Then a flashback of when I was drunk ranged through my mind. I said something along the lines that I am a burrito and I'm going to find some sort of daddy burrito and make baby burritos with him.

A weird analogy I made up that was in a nutshell, just me telling them I'm going to hook up with some other dude.

"Ah, yes I do. What about it?" I asked while fixing his hair.

"How about...we make baby burritos?" 

"Sure...*cough* *cough* e-excuse me?" 

To be Continued . . .

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