I hate Alpha Men

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"Just give me a quick sec" I smiled at Lily.

I faced Gray and gave him the 'what the fuck' look.

I faced Gray and gave him the 'what the fuck' look

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"Why did you say that?!" I whisper yelled.

"What's wrong with it? Its not like I'm lying." He shrugged.

"B-but..we're gonna get a divorce anyways." I complained.

"Hm..doesn't change the fact we're married." Key added.


'You're too hot to get mad, Henrietta. Calm yourself down'


"Tch, so unreasonable." I clicked my tongue and faced Lily again.

"Hahaha..yeah, they're my husbands... This is my engagement ring" I showed my ring.

"Where's your wedding ring?" Niko asked with narrowed eyes. *aggressive inhale* 'Calm down Henrietta, you can do this'

"It's back at home, safely hidden. I can't have people know my real name and the fact that I'm married, can't I?" I smiled at them but I'm pretty sure my eyes aren't.

"Then let them kno-" I cut him off.

"Well, I think we all need rest. Lily, we should skip school for the rest of the day and rest. See you tomorrow at Uni for the special orientation~" I hugged her.

I acknowledged the presence of her brothers and gave them a small nod.

"Let's go back to the house shall we?" I suggested to the guys.

Lessio, Rhett, Sin and Niko talked to some guys first and came back. August grabbed my hand and intertwined his with mine. Dude, I'm not Ellery ok? Are they dumb or what?

I tried prying it off but he just gave me the look and I stopped. I entered their car. I'm not used to being in here so I just sat on the middle. I could tell they're all tired since Gray's head plopped on my shoulder with his eyes closed. I felt another head and saw it was Sin's.

I sighed and let them do what they needed to do. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. This is gonna be an hour ride.

I leaned my head to Gray's and snaked my hand to Sin's hair. I'm bored so might as well. I wish I had my phone, I could have finished the podcast. I never found out what happened next. Like how did she killed them? Let me take notes dammit.

I looked to see that the rest of them were also sleeping. They seemed so uncomfortable, I wish we could arrive faster.

I felt Sin move a bit, he was awake but he didn't want to move. His hand wondered to the jacket I was wearing. He opened it and saw the hickey I was sporting. It looks like a bruise to me though. He sucked like a leech, seriously.

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