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I went to my room and closed it. I changed into a sports bra to see the damages on my body. Hm..nothing looks like it would scar.

But Fucking Shit my chest hurts.

Then my door opens, August comes in.  He looked worried. I just glared at him, didn't I told them to leave me alone? Are they that forgetful? Don't tell me they're at that old stage.

"What are you doing here. "I said coldly.

"Can I please, examine you?" He asked pleadingly. The fuck, what's up with men being all stupidly submissive all of a sudden.? It feels...weird since he's more of a Dominant. Like his pride is as tall as Mt. Everest.

I was caught off guard so I nodded my head

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I was caught off guard so I nodded my head.

I gently placed his hands on my ribs. Though he was gentle I flinched a bit. I'm not superman, it's still hurt.  He looked at me and his facial expression softened. He checked my back then my legs and when Wendy arrived he was the one who dressed my wounds.

He applied an ointment on my lips and the sexual tension in the air was stressing me out.

He stood up and did the unthinkable, he hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry.." Was all he said then he left the room.

What. The. Fuck.

My love language may be touch but damn, I can't take this

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My love language may be touch but damn, I can't take this.

I rested and slept, I can hear my door creak open and my babies came in and snuggled beside me. Now I can relax~


"Hunnggg, ow ow ow..don't stretch don't stretch..bad idea." I tried to do a morning stretch but I forgot I had fractures on my ribs.

August then came in my rokm but not before knocking. How long has he been standing by my door?

He made me wear a fracture brace and applied a cold compact on it then gave me ibuprofen.

I wore an oversized sweatshirt and straight cut long cream colored pants.

I don't need to tell everyone, "Hey look at me, I have fractured ribs and my legs are all bruised up"

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I don't need to tell everyone, "Hey look at me, I have fractured ribs and my legs are all bruised up"

Yeah, no.

I braided my hair into two french braids and I went infront of the mirror, I still look amazing, hehe. I went out of my room since I haven't eaten dinner. I'm starving! Mr. Cuddles and Mr. Buttons were following me.

Wendy was waiting for me with pancakes, eggs, susages and bacon. That's the breakfast I needed. Protein!!

I sat down and drifted to my own world, enjoying my food. That was until I heard my dogs growl. I looked up to see my husbands all in the dining room with me. I remained impassive and checked around for Ellery.

"Ellery's not here." Key said and stared at me.

I didn't show any facial expression but is this man a mind reader??

I just nodded and continued on eating, my babies didn't stop at being on guard so I had to pat them to make them lower their guard. 

"Henrietta..can we talk?"  Gray asked me with a pleading tone. I looked up at him with a contemptuous smile.

"Is there anything to talk about?" I asked 

"Please, Henrietta" Key pleaded. 

Oh how the tables have turned, weren't you calling me a Gold digger a few days ago? huh?

" *sigh* Fine." I sighed.

We got up and headed to Sin's office. I sat down in the chair I sat on the day we made an agreement.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about?" I asked nicely this time.

"We're sorry.." Gray started.

"Uh huh.." I nodded.

"We're sorry we didn't come to you sooner, I'm sorry I didn't answer your call. I promise I wouldn't do it again." Alessio promised with a guilty yet determined look. I just nodded again and took a sip of the tea in front of me.

" you hate us?"August asked, I choked on my tea.

*cough* *cough* *cough*

Rhett rushed to my side and started to pat my back, "Are you ok?!" I just raised my hand in reply.

"Ehem..ugh, D-do I hate you guys??" I asked and he nodded.

"Ha..look, we might be in an arranged marriage. You might have said some spiteful words to me." Keiran lowered his head.

"But..never did I resent you guys, if anything YOU hate ME." Truthfully since all my other lives, I was kinda the pyschotic stalker. Oh, the dumb old me~

Call me stupid, which you will but I never blamed them for my deaths. Sure they had a choice to answer my phone call to save me a years worth of torture but..Its like the boy who cried wolf. 

I used to push their buttons during my first life, sure I might have went back during my sixth life but it still hasn't changed the fact that before I was 18, I still pushed their buttons like an idiot.

Pretty much the rest of my deaths were all my fault, I made those choices. I should have never tried pushing my feelings onto them. They might like that hypocritical b*tch but what can I do? I'll always be that pushed aside childhood friend.

What do I mean by hypocritical? Well just so you know when she "cowered" in fear earlier she was smirking like that dumb bitch trashta. She's always been manipulative too.

Ugh! irritates me to no end.

Hooo..calm down Henrietta, you're too hot to get mad at some trash. She isn't worth your time.

Before they could say anything I cutted them off.

"Here's the deal, in 6 months..let's file for a divorce. I rather have a broken marriage than lose my friends." I said truthfully. I'd like us to patch up, they wouldn't be able to give me the family and home I wanted anyways...its time to manhunt.

They stayed silent for awhile,

"Its not like you guys like me right? Don't tell me you'd develop feelings for me." I raised my brows, teasing them.

"What? No way!" Key strongly denied.

"I don't think that's possible, doll" Sin said in a low husky voice.

"No need to worry about us, Tesoro" Niko said playfully as he looked at me with a sly smile on his face.

"Whatever you say,.. Cariño. Well I take it that its a deal. By the way when I said that you can be with Ellery, I meant that if you can fool around then I too can do the same." I swear I saw them clench their jaws but it also could be just my imagination, no way right?

"Adios mi estupidos idiotas" I said in a sing song voice and left.

To be Continued . . .

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