First Life

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-First Life Henrietta POV-

Before their marriage.

"Guys! Look at my new dress! I just bought it the other day and it's on the latest fashion trend, I look amazing right??" I giddily said as I flaunt the new sexy dress that I bought. Maybe with this they'd notice me more.

"Yeah yeah" Rhett dismissed not even looking at the dress. Wha- I spent good money on this and they won't even look?! Tch, I'm fucking hot so why won't they look my way??

"Niko, what are you doing??" I leaned on his back, purposely rubbing my breast on his back.

"Henrietta, get off. I'm busy." I snatched the paper on his hands and threw it on the ground.

"Now you are not." I smiled.

"Never fucking do that again."

"Hmph! Why did you even come over if you were just going to ignore me!!" 

"*sigh* It's because you said you fell down and broke your leg or did you not remember saying that?" August chastised.

"Lessio, I want you to buy me a necklace." I ignored August and pounced on Lessio and demanded with a cheeky smile.

"? Didn't I already bought you fifteen???"

"I don't care, I want more." I said, I keep them in my room.

"*sigh* Fine."

*ding dong* 

"Hi guys." Ellery came in with a box of cupcakes. Beau was following right behind her.

The guys smiled at her and I scoffed. "Why the fuck is this bitch here?" I snarled, I glared at her then rolled my eyes. 

"Rietta." Key raised his voice in a warning tone. I pouted and sat beside Lessio instead, Why the fuck would Beau invite Ellery over?! Ugh! so irritating!

"Here I have cupcakes, try some." Bitch handed me some of her hideous cupcakes. Handmade? ew. I hate Handmade shit.

I took a bite and spit it out, what the fuck?! This taste disgusting!

"Henrietta! Why would you fucking do that?!" Beau yelled at me.

"Well it's fucking disgusting! I didn't expect much from this bitch to know how to cook anyways."

Another person entered the living room and it was Dorothy, "Uh, can the two of you just chill" she shook her head.

"Oh, shut up." I barked and left the room, not without walking near Ellery and smugding the cupcake all over her clothes.

"Ugly, like you." I smirked and she started crying.

"HENRIETTA!" August shouted. I huffed and finally ran to my room. 

. . .

-Third Person's POV-

During Marriage

"Why are you going out with that lame ugly bitch anyways?! I'm your fucking WIFE!!!" Henrietta yelled in anger. She prepared all sorts of stuff so that they could claim her that day, she prepared Viagra on their drinks, wore her favorite lingerie, and dinner.

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