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"...There's another thing about this, the family of your second-in-command, the D'angeli's are included in this mess. Before we came back to this timeline, before we died, The Spanish mafia and our mafia are enemies of each other. As I said, Angelo dies but the blame was put on the Italian mafia since the D'angeli's were killed." I explained."

So you mean, it was all just a setup? A ploy to get us to be against each other?" Lorenzo asked.

"Yes, on my seventh life, I overheard Fernando laughing about it. Fernando is the head of the Mexican mafia, a sick mother fucker. He killed his own daughter in trying to prevent me from feeling the torture he was inflicting on my body. I don't know their full story but she always helped me. In all the timelines, she tried to find a way to help me escape."

"Do you know her name?" Luke inquired.

"Lucía Arellano, the biological daughter of Fernando. Fernando as far as I remember has a wife. She's currently sick and I overheard back then that it was incurable. Before, Lucía when she was just 2 months old she got kidnapped. But what was weird about this was that she came back not even a day later, she said that she wasn't alone anymore though. Another baby was left that looked almost identical to her."

"When they grew up, they looked different but her sister she said looked just like her mother. She knows that she's the real daughter but it seems like Fernando does not believe so. They could have just gotten a DNA test but he didn't want to."

"I never found out who that other sister was though but from what I understood was that she is an extremely horrible person who is also one of the people that instigated and planned this whole ordeal," I explained.

At the end of our discussion, it was decided that all sides were not to do any hasty decisions and to lay low for a while. It is not guaranteed that what happened before in our past life will go the same route this time especially since our decisions from then are not the same.

"So wait, how old do you think you are if you add all of your lives together?" Lily asked.

"Estimated around 90 years old." 

"Damn. You're probably older than my grandma...that makes you a..badass grandma?" Johnathan wondered and I bonked his head.

"Yeah, a grandma that has a mind of a mid-twenty-year-old. " Enzo shrugged, I stared at him and he made a mouth zip hand movement.

"Rietta, can we please talk? " Sin tugged on my sleeve. I bid goodbye to the siblings and we drove to the nearest hotel.



"So, you want to know how long has Ezio been in and out of the house?" and they nodded.

"..Roughly about, my guess is 2 months now. He might have started since he left the university, he only just recently touch me so-"

"Touch you?" Gray raised.

"What do you mean by Touch you? " Niko pressed.

"Like he'd grope me, lick my face, my ear, and some other things," I said nonchalantly, I just thought of him as a parasite trying to leech off me.

"I think we should change our plans, no?" Key proposed and they agreed.

"No. It's not a big deal anyway. I'm used to it." I rolled my eyes.

"No Rietta, that's sexual harassment. We are your husbands, we can't let our wife to be continuously harassed, especially right under our noses. It's fucking embarrassing as men that we let this happen. We are supposed to protect you, keep you safe, and yet we keep fucking up." August expressed.

They all have hard looks covering their faces, they couldn't mask their irritation. I managed to convince them that we can't just catch Ezio. That's stupid. It's like going to war naked.

"So like our past lives, he will definitely try to kidnap me. That is why let me be the bait."

"What?! NO!"

"Listen to me, before you found me back then, we had a previous place where I was first entrapped. That area is close to where they would gather with Fernando for a discussion. Wendy is our key to finding that place, or else everything will repeat all over again."

"How are we sure that Wendy is even beneficial? What if she's just bought by the French mafia?" Rhett said.

"That is why we are going to use your little bitch." I smiled.

"What? "

"Ellerat- I mean Ellery, hehe oops. Anyways, you might have forgotten the source of all this mess. I'm pretty sure you've had your share of suspicions about her origins, the same goes for me. Back when I was kidnapped just this year, do you remember? Where I came back home bruised up and you all took her side? I don't care if you were acting or not but that day I remember hearing that bastard on the phone about how they didn't expect that you'd go and find her but not me. Well, that sounds like you were being tested, doesn't it?" 

"...To be honest, I never really trust her. I'm pretty fucking sure her feelings for us are superficial and all of it just felt like she was doing it with an ulterior motive. Though there is a hidden possessiveness to it. When we found out that she belonged to some mafia group, all the more our attentions were raised." August placed his hand to his chin while thinking about clues Ellery might have hinted at.

"We can always use Ellerat, she's a disposable tool. Our enemies listed are the Irish, Mexican, and the French. So what do we do when we can't figure out Wendy and manage to follow Ezio? Plan B, stuff Ellery in the basement." I smirked.

When all else fails, proceed to Plan B, 'I'm not done with you, Ezio.'

We further discussed the three main headaches, the heads.

"The most lowkey is the Irish mafia, they are always at the back and they just send their men for gathering information. My grandfather killed their head, they think it was our fault when their head was the one who instigated the first move. He has always been cunning... Cillirian Cussane. He wants back the key my grandfather managed to get from him which leads to, all the foundations they made for their businesses, the evidence of their crimes, and the ID of people they've killed." Key explained.

It is true, Key's grandfather, the former head of the German mafia since Key's father died much early on was one of the greatest Mafia leaders. They were business partners with the Irish mafia but because Cillirian betrayed him first, he had to kill him after a horrible and dangerous confrontation. This leads to Key's grandfather being exposed, thankfully the police didn't manage to trace their lineage since all this happened in Ireland.

What was bad though was that when he was sentenced to prison for murder, not even a week later he was found dead in his cell. What was worse is Cillirian, was still alive and he wants that key back.

To be Continued . . .

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