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Its been a week and we are in a bit of a time crunch. The interuniversity competition starts in the next two weeks. I need to buy the clothes I would be wearing at the said event.

I invited Lan lan, Flo, Ian, Lily, and Dorothy to the mall. April was busy so she couldn't come.

"So bitchhhh Mandy, what does your highness needs in the competition?" Lan lan bumped my hip.

"Bitch stop. So I need a swimsuit, sports outfit, casual and a formal clothing for the finale. We only have four outfit changes all in all so I guess it's pretty easy?"

"Uh uh" Flo shook her head.

"We are going to try every piece in this mall to guarantee your success!" Dorothy said compassionately.

"Ok. First we need a good ass swimsuit." Flo clapped her hands.

"oh oh! In Roxy there's a rash guard perfect for Mandy. I saw it the other day." Lily said as she dragged us to the store.

It was a full body rash guard that hugged every bit of my body. It was nice to the point I'd wear it out if we'd go to the beach.

"I see there is a zipper from the top till the bottom back. I have an idea! Why don't you wear another swimsuit underneath??" Lan lan suggested.

"Oooh an element of surprise" Ian supported.

"What about this bikini?" Lily suggested.

"That's perfect!!" Flo cheered.

"Isn't that a tad bit too revealing??" My eyebrows knitted in a frown.

"Revealing shmealing, try it on~" She shoved me both of the swimsuits then to the changing booth..

"Ugh fine.." I wore the bikini first then the rash guard.

"I'm done but I don't see how I'd be able to remove the rash guard after." I said through the door.

"Oh you won't, your partner will." Dorothy laughed.

"Ugh.." Then I opened the door.

"Argh- I can't take such beauty." Lily said dramatically.

"Oh don't be dramatic" I rolled my eyes playfully.

Flo went behind me and zipped the rash guard down.

"Dang mama, you look fineee" Flo teased.

"I approve and disapprove of this. It looks nice on you but I'm not sure if you'd like a man you are not close to you zip your clothes off of you." Lan lan nodded his head.

"True but it is not like I have a choice, I even have to do a dance with him as our main performance together.." I sighed, at least he's still not a stalker yet.

I also don't have to worry about my husbands watching me since one, they don't care and two why would they even come in the first place? Pftt- ridiculous.

"Ok so we are buying these, how about sports?" Ian asked.

"Me and Ezio chose baseball since in the competition, we have to show we actually play the said sport."'s stupid, really..I don't get the purpose but I can play baseball. Back as Catalina, I was the captain of the female baseball team.

... We soon found the rest of the clothing I needed and I have to head to a photoshoot with him since it is also part of the program. We've been practicing every evening our short choreography and since we aren't even actual dancers we have to put in the effort.

We took five shots all in all, he was very cooperative and professional and I hope it stays that way but he did accidentally touch my butt earlier and I didn't like it. The last shot was supposedly a stolen shot. I'm not sure when they took that but ok.

We are against three other universities. Oakwood University, the one I was enrolled to before was one of them. I wonder who is their representative this year. I hope it's Victoria, she deserves it.

In any case, I need to be prepared for this meaningless competition..I also have that thing to do a few weeks from now, *sigh*

My casual outfit is a loose pastel purple crop top, black bra, jeans from levi's paired with a louis vuitton belt and shoes.

Sports outfit is a white baseball shorts and top with a baseball cap.

Swimsuit is a full body rash guard with teal ends and inthe inside was a black bikini.

Lastly my formal clothes are a black tube top from Celine as well as a matching suit. 

Our choreography was a pain in the ass since the both of us aren't dance majors. They hired a professional choreographer and dancer to teach as us as well as some dance majors from school.

I felt like my bones were breaking, I hope everything goes well.
. . .

-Niko's POV-


I strode fast to the door and opened it.

"Hi, can I come in?" Ellery smiled. Oh, it's just her..*sigh*

"Sure" I gave a smile back.

I gave way and let her do as she pleased. She made herself comfortable and settled in.

"So, I have tickets for you guys to attend my competition tomorrow. I hope you guys would come?" She fluttered her eyes at us.

"Ok, just place it at the table." August said, nodding.

"Thank you so much! You don't understand how much this means to me." She went in and embraced August and kissed him on the cheek. He cocked an eyebrow in response.

"See you tomorrow!" She then left. *sigh*

. . .

*parking noises*

"Tch, quanto rumoroso " I said irritated, bunch of college students annoying shouts and screams gives me a horrible migraine.

(How noisy)

"Let's just get this over with." Sin hissed a he trotted to our hidden seats away from the crowd.

"Now for the representatives of Oakwood University! Herbert Derrick Kit and Ellery Willow Hudson." The host yelled through the microphone, how idiotic, what's the purpose of such events anyways?

I saw Ellery walking on stage with her partner in casual outfits. We were late but that doesn't matter. It's already a waste of our time being here in the first place.

"Up next the representatives of Hilford University! Ezio Constantino!" 

Ezio? he's part of the new recruits if I remember correctly..

"-and Heralynn Walker!" 

Heralynn? but isn't that-

"WAHHH!!!" the yells and cheers of the crowd roared in the venue.

"What the fuck? " Gray barked trough gritted teeth.

" Ich dachte, sie sei Teil der Oakwood University? " Key glowered and looked at Rhett.

(I thought she was part of Oakwood University??)

Wir haben keine Berichte über ihre Versetzung erhaltenRhett stated, his eyes not leaving the stage.

(We didn't receive any reports of her transfer.)

Verdammte Scheiße " He cussed.

(Fucking Shit)


The sound of leather ripping from the arm rest my hand was on. 

"Does Ezio Constantino knows he's being paired with our fucking wife?..If he does, he's dead."

To be Continued . . .

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