Auto Show

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I'm sitting at the center of the living room, The guys were circled around me.

"So, care to explain why you were at my club last night?" Lessio asked me,

"Birthday Party."

"Then why were you dry humping that dude?" Key reproached.

"I was not dry humping anyone, even though my memory of last night is hazy, I'm pretty sure I just danced with him." I sassed.

"Henrietta you-" Gray was cut off by my phone ringing.


"Heralynn, where are you? You have to model at the car exhibition at Kiterson International Auto Show in two weeks. You are representing Valentino remember?? Today is a practice in case you forgot." Miss Rint, my manager reminded me.

"Oh crap right, I forgot about that."

"I'm already in front of your house." 

I hanged up and smiled at the guys who were staring at me curiously, "Well husbands, duty calls~" I stood up and sprinted out of the house. I'm glad I wore decent clothes today that would be fine to wear outside.

I met with the director who assigned me to be the Model for Valentino. I nodded my head, so Niko doesn't know I'm the model, how fun~

It was tiring, we practiced multiple times throughout the afternoon. For some reason, for the past two months, I've always been short of breath even when I'm lying down and I'm usually lightheaded. I wonder if it's because I've been anemic? though the test results haven't been shown yet.

When I came back home, they weren't there. I lazed around after finishing my school tasks and ate dinner. 9:43 pm I felt sleepy so I head to bed.

Everything was normal, I dozed off and slept well.


I was awoken by the sound of my door slightly open. Then I heard very silent footsteps, someone was hovering above me. 


The sound of a soft camera shutter. It moved around getting multiple shots of my sleeping body. 

'No way.Ezio?'

He crouched right beside my head, I felt a wet sensation on my ear. 

"Ah~ you taste so good." He moaned softly, it is Ezio.

Then what felt like a Q-tip entered my mouth I heard a zip lock bag opening. He then stepped back and left my room.

I peeked to see if I was alone and then shot up, 

'What the hell?! Fuck Fuck Fuck!!' I thought 

I looked at the time and it was 2:32 in the morning. How?? How the fuck does he always get in the house?! I had the urge to throw up, I ran to my bathroom and threw up, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. 

That crazy bastard still is not changing his fucking ways. 

. . .

It was the night of the Auto Show, the guys just left and I'm about to as well. I got in my car and drove to the venue.


"Eh um.Traffic?" I grinned.

She rolled her eyes and dragged me to the dressing room. I had to fix my makeup first then my clothes. I was the one who personally chose the dress, I never actually attended this as a model in my previous lives.

But Ellery did, she was part of a different label. I remember being so jealous seeing her beside Niko and the rest. The only reason why I said yes to this though is that..there's sabotage in Valentino's car. 

The one who will race with it would purposely fuck it up and fail then come in last. I plan on preventing that from happening while looking hot of course.

My collarbones were perfect, the gown had a deep plunge right on my chest so my cleavage was out and popping, the back is backless and it ends at the small of my back. My long blonde hair was tied in a low-side loose braid with extensions.

(A/n: Henrietta's hairstyle and Evening Gown, Imma say it first, this dress is immaculate)

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(A/n: Henrietta's hairstyle and Evening Gown, Imma say it first, this dress is immaculate)

I was given the signal to go out and stand by the other models. I strutted to the stage with poise. I didn't see any of the guys yet which I was thankful for. 

-Third Person's POV-

"Is everything set up?" Niko implored his second-in-command.

"Yes Sir!, The men are stationed and are ready to catch him in three minutes." 


"We'll finally find out who that fucker works for." Rhett scorned. They planned to catch him at the last minute and switch him with another racer.

It finally began, the racers and their models were to enter while inside the cars. The count down started, and the rest of the cars took off meanwhile Valentino was driving at a slow pace and stopping now and then. 

The venue of the race was not in a ring but a large town race. The men stationed marched drove each of their cars and headed towards Valentino. The seven sat down at the VIP seats while Ellery was happily sitting beside Niko.

The men haven't even reached the car when the racer was kicked out of the driver's seat. At the passenger's seat, Heralynn walked out and faced, Serin, the racer who was planning the sabotage. She took his gloves and wore them on herself.

"WOAH! Racer representative for Valentino, Serin Wooderstall on the side as he lets Supermodel, Heralynn Walker replace him as a racer!"

Their heads snapped at the screen, Niko quickly got up and called his subordinates. "Grab Serin and don't proceed with the plan!" 

"What is Henrietta doing out there?!" 

Valentino was far back, so Henrietta decided to drive at a shortcut. She took a sharp left and the car leaped off a stairwell and successfully landed. She then went right, a drone following every step of the way. 

She was catching up, passing six other brands. She accelerated even more and got through a narrow road. She got back on the right track and was neck in neck with the first racer. She then finally released and she overpassed him.

She got through the finish line, drifting at the end.

Gracefully, she walked out. Her clothes were all intact and her hair as well. Her smile was composed and beautiful as many cameras crowded her. 

To be Continued . . .

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