The Talk

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I placed a tray of refreshments on the table and sat on the couch opposite side where they sat.

" *ahem* Do have some." I offered amidst the deafening silence. I could hear the tap water dripping down on the sink by how quiet it was.

"Why..?" August spoke out first.

I looked up to see the hurt in his eyes. It's funny how similar his gaze was from when I died to now, I can't believe he could even ask me this..

"You're asking me why?? Are you being serious right now??" I stared at them in both shock and disbelief at their audacity for them to accuse me.

"Yes, we are asking you why and Yes, we are serious." Key pressed.

"Alright, why what? What do you want me to say?! Why did I not tell you about the children? Well, you decided not to show up, right?! 

"What do you mean, Rietta??" Niko stared at me in complete confusion.

"I waited years, Niko. Years! Years for you to come when you never did!

"How would we find you when you told us you were dead?! We were looking through every possible area you would have wanted to be buried, every location, every cemetery, every name!"  Rhett expressed.

"Did you just presume that I was dead?! I'm sure I sent you a letter that I was healthy and alive. It was you who decided to date other women. Don't think I didn't see the news!"

"They were tabloids, Rietta. None of it was true. Also, of course, we would have thought you died! You sent us a second letter with that video." Sin interrupted.

"What do you mean a second letter??? I never sent you a letter with a video." I shook my head at them.

"You said there that you were sick, and that you were dying," Lessio stated.

"I never sent that one, that was back-up in case I ever died...wait, you saw that one?!" I yelled.  

That video was something I made in case the worse happened. It was an unpredictable situation where someone like me who was with a heart problem at the time was giving birth. The chances of me dying during labor were higher than Mount Everest.

I never want to hand my children over to them especially when God knows how they would react to that. I don't have a doubt that they would take care of the children but..I can't help but not want to push that burden on them.

I already had someone ready to take in my children in case I did die during that time and that person was Flo. I had kept secret contact with her for years, and she was more than happy to adopt my children.

"Girl, you serious? No, No, No, if you are giving those little buggers to anyone, it'll be me. It ain't no orphanage, no couple wanting a child, Nah. I have read too many stories to even try to believe in those shit. Give them to me, I won't let anyone lay a hand on those precious angels. If they even try, Imma throw hands and make them wish they never crossed THE one and only Florence." She said then flipped her hair for a more dramatic effect.

"What about Julian? Do you think he'd want that?"

"Bitch, I don't care what he thinks, If he doesn't want to keep the children of our mutual bestriend and raise them together as a couple, he can kiss my ass goodbye."  

I can't be anymore thankful that I have someone like her in my life.

But back to the present, was there some sort of mistake? I surely asked my doctor to not send it?

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