De Ja Vu

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No one ever said that lying would ever feel this bad.

The look they gave me when I uttered the words of Divorce made me feel like a complete piece of shit. But I can't..I can't let this plan go to waste, I can't even tell the truth to my parents or close friends just yet..not until I've crossed that road.

The only ones who know of the whole actual plan are Vincent, Angelo, and Lucia. It's the only way to make it foolproof.

I sighed and sat inside the room at Hernandez's residence. First and foremost, my puppies need to return to my parent's house. Next, I need to tell my..parents and in-laws about the divorce.

I still have in-laws like many other people, I just don't have all of them since most of them passed away years before. August's parents are alive, Lessio's older sister is also alive and is living in South Africa and working as a nurse there, and lastly, Niko's mother is also alive but is in the hospital.

Niko's mother is named, Beatrice. She's such a nice and caringly sweet person, I visit her once every week and it would break my heart to see her face sad because she found out that her son committed adultery.

She was the one that practically raised all of them along with August's parents, Levianna and Ricardo. 

Lessio's older sister, Seraphine is a very strong woman. She calls me once every month to check up on me and asks if her brother treats me well and if he doesn't she'd say, If he treats ya like crap, tell me. I'll come over and dig him up a grave to live on.

Let's not bring in my own siblings. Dorothy and Beau just might murder them if they found out they impregnated someone else, Dorothy especially since for some reason she just hates Ellery to the very core of her being. My parents would then cut off any ties with them thereafter. I think I would need to make a three essay long letter to explain what really happened afterward to decrease the tension.

"How's the update with Camilla Velasquez?" I asked Angelo about the lawyer he was talking about.

"Here is her number. I just sent her the pieces of evidence of their infidelity and all the other materials she needs. All there's left is Ellerat's ultrasound and we're good to go. I mean, she already wants to ask for a court hearing." He chuckled but then got elbowed by Lucia.

"Now isn't the time to laugh, idiot." She clicked her tongue at him.

"..Sorry." He pouted. She patter his head and immediately a smile plastered his face.

'Since when have these two gotten this close?' I thought with a knowing smirk.

"Henrietta, do you think that you should tell the families about the divorce after the actual divorce procedure?" Flo worried as she knew how Beatrice's disposition was.

"I was considering that as well..but I think I should do it before so it doesn't come off too sudden." 

"Alright, if that's what you think is best." she smiled and rubbed my back.

I started coughing so I excused that if I can be alone in my room. My chest hurts but at least it's not too horrible as it was back then. I guess it's because I'm not in the worse stage yet.

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

'I'm doing the right thing..right?'

. . . 

The talk with my husbands didn't happen not until three days later. I sat down on a couch in front of them and took a breath in. 

Is it Deja vu?

This is exactly how we were in our past lives. Me sitting right across them, talking about how much they fucked up on our relationship..its funny, really.

"Before any of you explain your side of this fucked up situation, I want to let you know that I don't care. I've given up."


"I've come here to tell you that we will be going to court to finalize our divorce by the end of next week. I will be the one to tell my parents as well as to Beatrice, Levianna, Ricardo, and Seraphine about our divorce. This will be the best option for both of us."

"But, we really didn't touch her! Please believe us, Henrietta!" Sin defended.

"Please don't leave us, Henrietta..please.."

"Oh yeah? Let's wait for the test result. I heard that she's pregnant, by the end of this week we will find out if you lot are the fathers' cause remember. In this world, unlike the other, you all can be the fathers." I glared at them.

And we did just that, the day came when we all went with Ellery to check on who the child's father was. The doctor that Cirillian mentioned last time was there and gave the results and it all came positive that they were the fathers.

"Wait for the divorce notice. Goodbye." I then turned my heel and walked away.

I felt a hand on my wrist and it was August, he didn't hide the tears on his face. I whipped my head to see if Ellerat was there and luckily she wasn't.

"Henrietta..I love you..I love you soo much..I-I found out that we were drugged. Not just recently but also back then..i-it was an AETC drug that was why were pulled into loving her. We never really loved her, I promise Henrietta. We only ever loved you so please..let's sort this out, ok? Please Henrietta..please, I can't- I can't live without you..please.." He broke down.

"...Then find a way." A tear fell from my eyes as I wrenched his hand from my wrist and hurriedly left.

'I'm sorry.'


An AETC drug? 

AETC drug is a white powder that is sweet and very similar to the taste of honey. It is a type of drug that affects the human brain, it manipulates neurotransmitters and has some effects on drugs like MDMA which provides ecstasy. AETC drug is what normal people love to call the modern-day love potion. The first person you see after ingestion will be the person to who you will grow attraction to.

There are many things that contribute to it if they already have some characteristics that appealed to you and by the amount of powder you ingest. There were a few more but I don't quite remember them all.

It was mass-produced back when we were in our early college years the counter in the guise of anti-depressants. It was discontinued as it showed negative manipulation neurological problems but it was easily accessed by illegal back alley sellers and the use of the dark web which was very hard to track by the government.

That was why powdered sugar desserts were considered the best way to trick a person into ingesting the drug as you can mix it with normal powdered sugar. It was also sold in sugar sachets, people who were desperate really got creative with this and the worse part was that it was all untraceable. You cannot trace the AETC drug in a person's body after ingestion.

If that was the case, then it would explain why Ivy, a friend when I was Catalina told me to be careful of white powders. She had to leave thereafter so I couldn't ask her what she meant.

It would also explain why they fell for her soo quickly. 

..Not only did you ruin my relationship back then but you also ruined my marriage. I hope you are ready to live a long and painful life..Ellery.

To be Continued . . .

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