I hate my memory

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"Hermana Mandy!" Angelo yelled from across the other room.

"...*sigh* What is it this time?" I tiredly got up from the bed and walked all the way to where he was.

"Te juro que cuidamos bien todas las evidencias" He said as he raised his hand.

(I swear to you that we took care of all the evidences properly)

"Ok? Good but what's your point?" I asked.

"No tengo ni idea de cómo se las arreglan para averiguarlo." He said.

( I absolutely have no idea how they manage find out)

"Angelo, stop beating around the bush and tell me." 

"Your husbands, they found out that you were in that mess three nights ago." He said but didn't continue.

"Go on.."

"Mr. Dietrich said that if you had gotten hurt that day, they would have brought you back." That was it? I thought it was something earth shattering.

"Oh don't worry about those baboons, I didn't get hurt didn't I?" I shrugged.

"Still, please just stay safe." he pleaded.

"*sigh* Of course.."


. . .

"Mandy? Where are you going?" Lily asked me while I wore my shoes

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"Mandy? Where are you going?" Lily asked me while I wore my shoes.

"I have a photoshoot today, the first time in a while though I hoped it would have been the last unfortunately I have more in the future." I sighed, I really don't want to model anymore. I'm fine with just being a doctor, that's why I took the speed program.

"Oh gosh, I forgot I'm living with a famous model." She exaggerated and I just laughed.

"I'll be going now, my manager is right around the block." I explained.

"Ok, good luck!" 

I was walking out when Lily called me back.

"Mandy! You forgot this!" She yelled my name while waving an envelope.

I already filled in my part of the divorce papers, I plan on submitting it later.

"Oh, thank you" I smiled.

I got out of the mansion, I was supposed to walk a couple of minutes to get to where my manager was but there was already a driver waiting for me to get in and drop me to my manager. 

I was thankful so I took up the offer and I got to my manager faster that way.

"Morning Ms. Rint" I greeted my manager.

"Morning Heralynn, today you have ten scheduled photoshoots. " She started as she drove.

"Wha- that's a lottt" I complained.

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