Chapter 6

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The visitor blocked Fang Chaozhou’s path, and pulled out the black gold whip from his waist, and slammed it against the open space next to him.

Fang Chaozhou was taken aback, and when he saw the person’s face clearly, he said, “You are familiar, where did we meet?”

“Huh, it’s not just that I have seen it, we also said it.” The man was covered in black and had a fierce expression on his immature face. “At the bookstore a few days ago, you left without paying. , It made me pay so much money, I have to learn a lesson today…”

Before he finished speaking, a silver coin appeared in front of him.

The boy paused, a little puzzled: “What do you mean?”

“Sorry, it was my negligence last time. This silver ingot should be enough for books.” Fang Chaozhou hates trouble the most and doesn’t like arguing with people. If money can solve the problem, he is willing to pay.

The young man heard this, but this time he took the whip and drew it down at Fang Chaozhou, “Do you think you can pass the little master with this little money, and when the little master is a beggar?”

But the whip didn’t fall on the pretty face that asked for the ghost as he thought.

The teenager felt that he couldn’t understand this guy, half of the reason was because the other’s face was different from the aggressive and beautiful color of his sweetheart Xue Danrong. This guy was beautiful like water, soft and gentle, without edges, and no attacks. Sex, in his eyes, as if everything in the world is beautiful.

Humph, this world is so ugly, why is this guy so gentle?

This guy should be the same as everyone else. When he saw him, he would either show a disgusting face or a scared face, instead of the way he is now. No matter what he does, this guy doesn’t seem to be angry.

All his attacks seemed to be resolved by the opponent’s water.

Fang Chaozhou grabbed the young man’s whip and sighed helplessly. No matter how he was the second brother of Heavenly Water Sect Yizhifeng, Heavenly Water Sect was a sacred place for cultivation. Even if Fang Chaozhou didn’t make much effort this year, his cultivation was still Walking up slowly, it was more than enough to catch the attack of a small magic repair.

“Then what do you think I should do?” Fang Chaozhou paused, “How many copies of Xue Danrong’s fan script for you?”

When the little Moxiu in front of him heard this, his eyes widened, and he cursed: “You are shameless! You actually read Xue Danrong’s fan script!”

Fang Chaozhou:…

When the two were in a stalemate, Fang Chaozhou heard a “Second Brother”.

Before he could turn his head, he had already found that the eyes of the little Moxiu before him were straight, staring blankly in a certain direction. Fang Chaozhou found it funny, so the corners of his lips couldn’t help but curled up. When he turned his head to say hello to his junior brother, the smile hadn’t been hidden yet.

“Little Junior Brother, are you finished?”

Xue Danrong took the drapery hat because of the competition. He hadn’t put it on at this time. He hummed indifferently. He didn’t even glance at the little demon, but said to Fang Chaozhou: “Second brother, I’m going back to the inn first. "

“Okay, you go back first.” Fang Chaozhou wanted to leave, but he hadn’t answered Xue Danrong’s words. The end of the black gold whip he was holding had already patted gently on the back of his hand.

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