Chapter 118

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These three people have been locked up for a long time, and now they find someone coming in, they are all a little nervous. Xiang Yuan is the calmest person in there, and he is the only one among the three who has seen Fang Chaozhou himself. Over the years, although he has been in charge of the chores of the outer disciples, in front of a small supervisor, he recognizes the disciples in the inner door, even if the other party does not know him.

When he saw Fang Chaozhou, who had come back from the dead, actually stayed with Xue Danrong, he was not only a little surprised.

Xiang Yuan felt that he was imprisoned, which was completely strange. He and Xue Danrong had never had any contact with each other. Only this year, the other party asked him to distribute medicinal pills and preserved fruits.

He still remembers when he was tied up, Xue Danrong at that time, both in his expression and behavior, looked very strange, as if he was in a demon. He also saw murderous in the eyes of the opponent.

Seeing Xue Danrong and Fang Chaozhou appear together, Xiang Yuan felt that something was not right, so he didn’t speak, so Yao Yucheng spoke first.

Yao Yucheng was actually quite happy when he was tied up at the beginning, because he thought Xue Danrong could not bear his hesitation, so he was angrily tied up, and then locked in a good place, and then he could not deal with outsiders. Things.

But he didn’t expect that the place where he closed him was a broken cave, and he was not the only one closed.

He only knew one Xiang Yuan of the two people detained next to him. When they first worshipped Heavenly Water Sect, Xiang Yuan was in charge of them.

At first, Yao Yucheng didn’t give up, but also thought that Xue Danrong should take him away alone soon. He didn’t know how to wait and wait. After waiting for more than a month, he didn’t wait. Now it was finally time to wait, but Xue Danrong actually stood with another man.

Yao Yucheng realized that he was a little wrong, why Xue Danrong liked him, it was his wishful thinking. For more than a month, Xiang Yuan and Xiao Que next to him both told him that Xue Danrong probably killed them.

Sure enough, A-niang was right. There is no big pie in the world. How could such a beautiful person like Xue Danrong like him?

Yao Yucheng felt sad the more he thought about it, and couldn’t help crying for a while.

Xiang Yuan suddenly heard the cry next to him, and was startled. He was afraid that Yao Yucheng would anger Xue Danrong, and immediately said, “What are you crying for?”

“I’m crying, I’m stupid, and I don’t know what’s going on with Brother Fang now? Brother Fang likes me so much. If he knows that I’m dead, he will definitely be sad. Maybe he won’t be able to sleep for several days.” Yao Yucheng is actually He cried about his impending death, but he felt that he was very weak by directly speaking about this reason, so he put the reason for crying on Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou had been disguised before, but this time he appeared in his true form. Yao Yucheng had never seen Fang Chaozhou’s true appearance, so naturally he couldn’t recognize it. He just pulled the “Big Brother Fang” flag and cried vigorously, thinking that he would not cry now, he would not be able to cry if he died.

The more he cried, the more sad he became, and he yelled the three words “Big Brother Fang” upside down, while his Big Brother Fang looked embarrassed at this time, and carefully looked down at the young man in black next to him.

Sure enough, there was a slight air-conditioning outside.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t hesitate, grabbed Xue Danrong’s wrist, and took the person out of the cave first.

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